Chapter 2.

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        Rose goes on a walk with her sister at night, to get away from her dad. "Can we go to the store?" Tigerlily asks "Yes we can!" Rose says with a smile on her face and they make their way to the store "Rose?" Tigerlily looks up at Rose "Yes?" Rose says "Will dad yell at us again?" Tigerlily tilts her head "Unfortunately." Rose sighs, she then hears a twig break. She quickly grabs her sister and runs "Rose!" Tigerlily says "Hold on-" she gets zapped and trips, protecting Tigerlily "Ouch." She rubs her head and sees men in suits approaching, she tries to grab Tigerlily but they both get separated by the men and thrown into a van, Tigerlily starts to cry "Rose!" Tigerlily cries and they slam the door shut, she goes to her sister and holds her "Be calm Lily be calm!" Rose protects her and the men in the van separate them again and tying up Rose "HEY!! LET ME GO!!!" She yells and they hit her in the head. Causing her to go unconscious.

She wakes up in a glass cell. She panics and looks around for her sister. Seeing her in another glass cell next to her. "Lily? LILY!!" She bangs on the glass and Tigerlily looks at her "Rosey.. I'm scared.." she starts crying "No no no don't worry we'll get out of here." She tries to calm down Tigerlily and Rose puts her hand on the glass "It's going to be okay." Rose says with a smile and Tigerlily puts her hand on the glass "Okay.." she sniffles and the men in suits come up, Rose throws them a dirty look "We are Kraang. You are the one who is called Rose Marine Johnson and the one called Tigerlily Jane Johnson. You are here to be our test subjects." One of the men say and Roses eyes widen "Test subjects..?" She trembles "Correct. The testing will begin." They walk away and Rose goes to the glass "Tigerlily.. I'm so sorry." Rose cries "Rosey.. what are they gonna do to us..?" Tigerlily shakes "I don't know but try and stay calm for me okay..?" Rose puts her hand on the glass and Tigerlily does the same "Okay.. I'll try.." She says Activating the mutation doors. Open Rose hears and she tries to stay calm "Stay calm Tigerlily." Rose says and she cries "Be calm." She says before being submerged in mutation. It goes black.

Rose wakes up. Dizzy. "Geez.. what happened..?" She looks around at then looks at her hands. Her eyes widen. She no longer sees her hands. She only sees her paws. She goes to see Tigerlily and she is now a small, mutant, Wolf. Rose looks in her reflection and sees she is also a mutant wolf. She puts her forehead against the glass and she slides down "What has happened.." Rose sits down and buries her face in her arms and she cries, Tigerlily wakes up "Why are you crying?" Tigerlily tilts her head "Lily... look at us.. we aren't even the same anymore. They took our identities away." Rose says and Tigerlily looks at her hands. Which are now paws "Oh.." Tigerlily is shocked "Yeah.. we're freaks." Rose says "Nope! We're cool freaks!" Tigerlily stands up "Tigerlily this isn't a good thing!!" Rose yells and Tigerlily's ears go back "Just look at us!! We will never be be the same again." Rose sighs and Tigerlily sits down "I'm sorry.. it's just.. this is my fault. We shouldn't of left the house." Rose looks at Tigerlily "It's okay. We just have to get used to this!" She stands up and runs around on her two legs "This is pretty neat-o!" Tigerlily laughs and Rose smiles "I guess so." She stands up and also runs around her cell "Yeah! This is pretty fun!" She laughs and they both run around their cells for the next 20 minutes


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