Chapter 02

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Elizabeth: The boar hat?

She turns to Kai in confusion.

Elizabeth: Is this really where the sin is?

Kai nods.

Kai: The feeling is the strongest here. They must be here.

They both enter, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at them. The men whistled when they looked at Elizabeth's body. She became uncomfortable and moved closer to Kai. She grabbed his arm holding it close to her chest. Kai scanned the tavern ignoring the jealous glares, while looking for the sin.

His eyes landed on a little blonde girl who was waiting tables. It was Melissa, the dragon sin of wrath. When she looked at him, her eyes widen before a big goofy smile appeared on her face. She clapped her hands getting everyone's attention.

Melissa: Alright everyone! We're closing early today!

Some people were confused while others were angry, luckily they left without causing too much trouble. Though the last guy who tried to grab Elizabeth's butt, but Kai caught his hand and punched him square in the nose sending him flying off. Kai turned around to see Melissa now standing in front of them.

Melissa: So, what brings you to my bar?

Elizabeth looked confused.

Elizabeth: You own this place?

Melissa: Is that so strange?

Elizabeth: N-No! It's just-

Kai: It's that you have the appearance of a 12 year old.

Elizabeth: Not that! I just saw the sword, so I just assumed...

Melissa: Oh, this?

She grabs the handle of the sword before taking it out of its sheath. Elizabeth flinched and hid behind Kai expecting an attack. Kai chuckled before patting her head.

Kai: She's not going to attack us.

Elizabeth looked at Melissa to see that her sword is broken. She giggled.

Melissa: Did I scare you? If I flash the handle, it looks like the real thing, doesn't it?

Melissa puts her sword back.

Melissa: Makes our patriots think twice before skipping out on their bill.

The pig then started to talk.

Pig: It's the customers who get charged a mint after eating your cooking, I feel sorry for.

Kai noticed Elizabeth's eyes light up in amazement which he thought was quite adorable and cute. She ran up to the pig, she then hugged it and began rubbing its back and laughing. She started squealing in excitement.

Elizabeth: It's a talking piggy! Kai! The piggy talks!

Kai and Melissa looked at each other and chuckled, then turned their attention back at Elizabeth childish behaviour.

Hawk: The name Hawk. Nice to meet you.

Elizabeth: Long time ago, I pestered my father with getting me one as a birthday present!

Melissa: Did you get a pig?

Elizabeth becomes sad.

Elizabeth: No.

Melissa: Hey, are you hungry? If you want, you can have a bite to eat.

Kai's eyes widen and starts to panics because he knew first hand at how awful her cooking was, Kai looked at Hawk to see him having the same experience.

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