Chapter 06

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Melissa gained a grin making Kai worry a bit.

Melissa: Great! Then starting now, I want you all to do exactly what I say!

Kai: Melissa-

Melissa: Don't worry Kai I got this, trust me.

Melissa sits down before giving the Elizabeth clones their orders.

Melissa: Now, raise your right hand high! Put you left hand on your cheek and call out Kai's name in a bashful manner.

The Elizabeth clones did as they were told, which cause Kai to have a tiny blush.

Elizabeth's: Sir Kai...

Melissa: Now squeeze your boobs.

The Elizabeth clones started to grope themselves while moaning.

Melissa sat scissors with her head in hands. She had a bored expression as she kept thinking of one thing. 

Melissa: I wish this were Kai instead.

She smiled pervertedly as she imagined herself being surround by a bunch of shirtless Kai's.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted when Hawk jumped on her shoulder.

Hawk: Hurry up and find the real one!

The mysterious voice spoke again causing Hawk to squeak in fear. 

??: Get out! You will never make it through this forest...

Melissa stands up.

Melissa: I got it! Jump as high as you can!

All the Elizabeth clones jumped except for one. The one who didn't immediately sat down and held her skirt down.

Elizabeth: IM SORRY I CAN'T!!

Elizabeth clones looked down in confusion before Melissa ran through all of them. The imposters turned into a puff of smoke, and turned into small creatures that started running deeper in the forest.

Hawk: Their hide and seeks! Prankster Imps.

Kai: Those guys were the "monster" of the forest all along?

Melissa: Let's follow them!

The group started to chase the imps. While they were running Melissa remembered something.

Melissa: Oh yeah!

She stop running and turned to Elizabeth who also stopped running she then hands Elizabeth something.

Melissa: You can have this.

Elizabeth looked to see what Melissa handed her and saw her panties. Elizabeth held her panties behind her back having a blush in her face.

Melissa: Later.

Melissa then runs off.

Elizabeth: You stole my underwear!

Melissa continued to run after the imps with Hawk and Kai right behind her.



The group continued to follow the imps to see where they're going. Melissa then spoke up.

Melissa: Keep an eye on them! There should be something in the direction they're running too!

Kai looked past the imps to see that they're running up to a girl.

Kai: There's a girl up!

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