Chapter 09

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When Melissa and Diane come to they immediately noticed Kaito on the ground with a wound on his shoulder.

Diane covered her mouth in horror as she saw Kaito body.

Diane: K-Kai?

Melissa watched with a monotone face as she saw Gilthunder flip Kaito on his back while sheathing his sword.

Gilthunder: Kai the eight deadly sin, the sin of destruction. Do you have any last words?

Kaito then spoke with a weak tone in his voice.

Kaito: I...I just want to know what happened to the others...

Gilthunder: Very well, I'll tell you what happened to the other sins. Two of them have already been dealt with. The fox sin of greed being kept under tight guard at Baste prison. The grizzy sin of sloth is already dead and is interred in the Necropolis. Don't worry, I'll send them all to join you.

Kaito: No kidding...

Kaito closed his eyes. He then opened them with a smile on his face.

Kaito: Thanks a lot!

He gets up and dusts himself off before looking at Melissa and Diane giving them a thumbs up. Melissa smiled while Diane lets out a sigh of relief seeing that he was okay.

Kaito: You know, you shouldn't give out information like that, you didn't even know if that attack was fatal or not, and the others were standing right there, they could have ran off knowing where to look for the other sins.

Gilthunder just stood there giving Kaito the ultimate death glare.

Kaito: Baste prison and the Necropolis, huh? You got that down ladies?

Diane: Sure do!

Melissa: Yip!

Kaito: We'll go check out one or the other, which ever one is closest.

Gilthunder: Ah, I see you deliberately took my blow, to learn the whereabouts of your fellow sins.

Kaito: Yip.

Gilthunder grabbed the handle to his sword before slashing at Kaito who was dodging the attacks with ease.

Gilthunder: This is goodbye.

Kaito: See ya.

Before Gilthunder could do anything Diane picked him up and reared back ready to throw him.

Diane: You heard Kaito. Some other time!

Gilthunder: Unhand me!

Gilthunder began to shock Diane, but she looked to be more irritated than in pain.

Diane: Didn't I teach you a long time ago? Girls hate guys who try to shock them!

Diane throws Gilthunder sending him flying, but before he got far he turned around and sent a giant lighting bolt towards them.


Kaito: I've got it.

Before the lighting could hit them Kaito jumped in front of the lighting bolt.


The lighting bolt then headed back towards Gilthunder

Gilthunder: D-damn it...

The lighting bolt landed on Gilthunder knocking him unconscious as he continued to fly away. Kaito landed on the ground sheathing his sword. He then turned towards the other, only to be met with Diane grabbing him and shoving him into her chest.


Kaito could be heard trying to speak, but it was muffled by Diane chest.

Melissa: Hey Diane, I think he can't breath.

Looking to see Kaito turning, Diane quickly place him on the ground while apologizing.

Diane: Sorry Kai!

He gave her a thumbs up. As Kaito caught his breath, the sound of hooves could be heard as they turned to see Hawk and Elizabeth running up to them.

Hawk: Hey! You have some nerve, doing that to me, you swine! It'll be my turn next!

Elizabeth: Are you three alright?!

Melissa: We're good.

Hawk: Hey! Where'd that swine go?

Melissa & Kaito: Aren't you a swine?

Diane: You sure smell good!

Hawk whimpers in fear as he hides behind a near by rock. Elizabeth looks at Kaito and immediately noticed the wound on his shoulder. She gasped before running towards him, examining his wound which Diane didn't like.

Elizabeth: Kaito! You're hurt!

Kaito: It's nothing.

Elizabeth: What do you mean its nothing?! look at all that blood!

She began checking his body for any other wounds, but then Diane spoke up.

Diane: Hey! Stop being so clingy with him!

Elizabeth: But...

Just then Elizabeth felt something touch her head, she noticed that it was Kaito who smiled at her.

Kaito: It quite alright Elizabeth, and listen I appriate the concern, but I'll be okay.

Diane: Yeah and besides he already has himself a right hand girl and that job belongs to me! If he's hurt I'll be the one to treat his wounds!

Hawk: Hey, I got kicked really hard by that guy!

Melissa walked over to him and began to feel his skin.

Melissa: Here?

Hawk: That's my spare ribs.

Melissa: Over here?

Hawk: That's my pork shoulder. Quit fooling around will ya!

Kaito: Don't you worry Hawk, I'll put a cool rag on you later.

Elizabeth: I'll help too!

Hawk ran up to you and jumped into your arms.

Hawk: Oh! Kaito! Elizabeth! You two are the only ones who cares about me!

Kai Melissa and Elizabeth laugh at Hawk while Diane just glared at Elizabeth.

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