Chapter 10

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At the tavern

Elizabeth is currently putting a cool rag on Hawk's burn, they sizzled as the rag made contact with them.

Hawk: Ah that hit the spot! That holy knight bastard...the next time we meet, I'll make him pay!

She thought back to the time when her and gilthunder would play at the palace, she gained a sad expression knowing what he has become. Hawk turns back to her and pulls her out of her thoughts.

Hawk: Oh yeah, didn't you say you knew him?

Elizabeth: Yes, Gilthunder was originally my older sister Margaret's guard. He was like a big brother and looked after me as if I were his own sister. He continued ti serve us, even after the death of his father, who was the holy knights Grand Master at the time. So why...

She thinks back to all the recent events that had happened, like the sword/spear situation in Vanya and the sins.

The last thing she thought of is a surge of lightning breaking down her father door.

Elizabeth: No way! Was he also the one who took my father captive?

Hawk: What the matter, Elizabeth?

Elizabeth:*thoughts* There is really no going back to the way things were...?

She heard Kai, Melissa and Diane talking outside, both her and hawk leave the tavern to listen to what they were saying, Elizabeth saw Kai and Melissa sitting on Diane's shoulders.

Kai: Ban, the sin of Greed has been thrown in prison and queen, the sin of Sloth is dead and in the grave huh? What's your take on this?

Diane: I don't have one, and besides I'm not interested in anyone, but you.

Elizabeth glanced at Diane to see her looking at Kai, waiting for his reaction. Kai gently smiled at her before kissing her cheek.

Kai: Thanks Diane, you have no idea how lucky I am to have you and others in my life.

Diane's cheeks grew a bright red as let out a giggle. When staring at the two, an unknown feeling began building up inside Elizabeth's chest. Elizabeth placed a hand on her chest with a look of confusion on her face.

Elizabeth:*thoughts* What is this...strange feeling?

Trying to ignore the new found feeling, Elizabeth listened back in on the conversation.

Diane: But are we going to ignore the important thing here!

She says holding up her wanted poster looking at Melissa and Kai.

Diane: Look at what a sexy babe I've grown into the last 10 years!

Kai giggled at Diane, but then he became a bit flustered.

Kai: True,*blushing* b-but I b-believe seeing you in person is far better than some poster.

Diane became flustered while Melissa pouted, which Kai notice.

Kai: That goes for all of you.

Melissa smiles.

Kai and Melissa jumped off Diane's shoulders, which make her a bit sad about Kai jumping off.

Diane: Aww...couldn't you have stayed longer...

Melissa: Alright I've decided that we're going to Baste prison first to pick up Ban!

Diane cheers as Hawks mom puffed out smoke, Elizabeth looked at Kai to see him going pale and notice he began to wobble.

She walked up to him grabbed his hand surprising him and gaining the others attention.

Elizabeth: Shouldn't tending to Kai's wounds be out top priority right now? If we were to encounter another holy knight, he won't be able to protect himself properly in this condition.

She felt a hand go through her hair, she looked at Kai seeing him give her a warm smile which caused her to blush. He then pulled her into a hug.

Kai: It gonna be okay, right now we should focus on getting Ban out of prison. Okay?

She nodded her head before closing her eyes and hugged him back. Diane glared at Elizabeth who didn't pay attention to it as she was too busy enjoying Kai's embrace, having him so close to her and having his arms around her made her feel safe and secured, like there was nothing in the world that could hurt her.

Unfortunately for her Kai broke the hug and turned his attention to Melissa, not noticing the now pouting Elizabeth.

Kai: If you don't mind Melissa, I'm going to change my clothes.

Melissa: Want me to come help you get changed?

Kai chuckled as he declined. Elizabeth watched in worry as Kai walked into the Tavern. Melissa tried to ease her worry.

Melissa: Don't you worry Elizabeth, he'll be okay.

Elizabeth: I-I'll go check on him.

She run into the Tavern and up to Kai's room, when she reached the door, she began to knock.

Elizabeth: Kai? Can you handle getting changed by yourself?

She waited for a minute, but got no response, her worry began to grow even more.

She opened the door slowly to see Kai laying on the ground unconscious with blood pouring out of his shoulder.

Elizabeth: K-k-Kai?!

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