Part 2- just a normal day in New York

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Tw kidnapping and stabbed

I was rudely woken up by the sound of  alarm clock screaming at me from the bedside table. It read 7:00 am.I turned it off and reluctantly got out of bed. I put on a t-shirt and some pants and headed out the door. While I did get most of my money from stealing from criminals, I also had a job at a coffee shop down the road. It didn't pay much and the customers were mostly rude but the rest off the staff were a blast. My best friends work there, Amy and Jackson.

I walked the 200 meters down the road untill I arrived at the coffee shop.

"Y/N!" I heard Amy practically yell as I walked in. It was really quite as the shop didn't open untill 8:00. "Thank god your hear Jackson isn't coming today and I worried I would have to deal with these assholes by my self".

"Don't worry Love your Prince Charming is here now".

"God such a charmer aren't you y/n"

"Yup" I replied in a sarcastic but confident tone.

The rest of my shift went by really slowly with one after another cluster meds coming in. I looked up at the clock and saw it read 4:00 pm. I said goodbye to Amy and started to walk home. As I was walking I got a feeling I was being followed. I turned behind me to see a white van strolling awfully slow behind me. I fasted my pace but so did the van. Next thing I know 4 guys in red tracksuits jump out of the van and tackle me to the ground. I would normally be able to fight them off but I guess I was just tired from working a 8 hour shift.

Before I could fully proses what just happened I felt a pinch in my neck and sure enugh, something had just been injected because within a few seconds, I was passed out.

I woke up in the back of the van, duct tape covered my mouth and tied my hands behind my back along with some zip ties. I was now only wearing a bra and underwear. The 4 men in the back with me couldn't keep their eyes off me. Every time I tried to cover myself up somehow, one of the men would move me again. I felt violated and a tear slipped my eye. "Don't cry now" one of the mean spoke.

"This is just the start". Fear spread through my body but I attempted to keep up a confident front.

"Wait here. Where are just going to... do something". All of the men quickly piled out of the car and left me there, in the dark, with only my thoughts and let me tell your that's not a nice place to be. I could hear faint grunting and the sound of body's being flung all over the place and then nothing. I didn't know what just happened or if anyone was coming back for me.

Suddenly I got an idea. I poked out my tongue as much as I could until it hit the tape. I pushed untill I got it free enough and yelled.

"Hello!? Is anybody there?!" I could hear the faint sound of feet shuffling along the snow until a middle aged man in dark clothes opened up the van door. I could see the look of surprise and fear in his eyes at the moment he saw me.

"Shit" he hissed as he looked away.

"Hey.. what what's your name again?" He yelled to a figure behind him.

"Uhhh k-kate it's kate" the figure said.

"Ok Kate come over here I need some help". As she walked over I could see how beautiful she was but that feeling was quickly overcome when I realised I was still only in my undergarments. That explained why the man looked away.

"Wow ok ummmm hi are you ok I'm kate." She managed to get out before ripping the tape of my face. I winced at the feeling but gave her a thankful look. She stared at me for a second before I spoke up.

"Ummm hey...I know we just met but Would you mind taking off this" I said as I showed her my tied up hands.

"Ohh right yea of course sorry". She grabbed a knife the was sitting on the floor of the van and cut me free. The man was still not looking at me which I found oddly respectful. I quickly pulled my legs up and turned to look at the brunette girl.

" ummm I'm y/n by the way".

"Nice to meet you y/n" she said in a sympathetic but comforting tone.

"Oh and this is Hawkeye". The man turned around now facing me. I gave a little smirk before asking

"is that your "code" name or did your parent just not like you". They both have a little chuckle before he answered

"Clint. My name is Clint".

I reached for my clothes and slid back on my t-shirt and pants. This made Clint relax a bit but for a split second I thought I saw disappointment in Kate's eyes. No, no y/n your just imagining things. Kate looked me up and down when suddenly Her eyes went wide and a look of fear crossed her face.

"Ummm y/n your- your bleeding". I looked down to see a pile of blood spilling out of the bottom of my pants. I don't know how I didn't see this before. I gently pulled down my pants to reveal a large gash in my thigh.

"That explains why there was a knife on the floor" I said in an humorous voice but they just stood there looking as if they had just seen a ghost. I attempted to stand but instead ate a mouthful of dirt as I feel face first I to the snow.

" wow easy there kid" Clint said as he picked my up off the ground.

"Kate let's take her home. Well actually do either of you have a place we could go back to?" He asked.

"Yea my place is near here we can go there" Kate said.

"Actually I should probably be getting home but thank you guys for helping me" I said as I limped over to grab my bag from the van.

"Ummm shouldn't you go to a hospital or something I mean your bleeding quite a bit" Kate said in a disappointed voice.

"Yes the kids right you need to get that wound addressed before it gets worse" Clint added.

"Oh yea don't worry I can do that" I said as I attempted to walk away if as best I could but not for long before Clint wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Come on stop being g do stubborn let me help". I let out a sigh and I turned to Kate.

"So where is your place hun?"

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