Part 5

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An: yo I'm back did ya miss me? No? Ok then we'll anyway spoiler alert if haven't seen riverdale like the new shorty episodes. I don't know how that show is still going but it's so funny so yea. Enjoy!

Y/n pov

Clint finally walked out of the other room and sat down at the table with us. "Kate, that actually looks really good" he said slightly surprised. "But not that one" he said pointing to her forehead. "You need to put it horizontally not— you— just come here" he said grabbing another bandage as Kate walked around the table to him. I chose this moment to check my phone, which somehow hadn't cracked. I had like 3 missed called from Amy and 2 from Jackson asking where I was. Shit I was ment to go over to her house tonight so we could all watch the new shitty episodes of Riverdale that where coming out. "Shit I gotta make a call" I said abruptly leaving the table and walking into another room. I called Amy and she picked up immediately. "Y/n WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN I CALLED YOU AND WE WAITED FOR YOU AND YOU DIDN'T COME OVER!" She yelled through the phone "wait did you hook up with someone cuz if you hooked up with someone then it's ok" she said now suddenly a lot calmer. "No I didn't hook up with anyone I just feel asleep I'm sorry hun I really feel bad." I said lying. I had gotten pretty good at that over the years. "Ohh. Ok well im still made and you and so is Jackson" she said putting the phone on speaker "yea bitch but I don't really care right now because im too focused on the fact that Cheryl just killed Archie and Betty is pregnant and omg it's really weird" he said. "Wait what?! God I don't know how that show has gone on that long. How much did you watch without me?" I said now feeling guilty but also really FOMO. (Fear of missing out). "Don't worry we only just finished one and then you called. We'll wait till next time to watch the rest. Ok where gonna go cuz I have to go home and Amy definitely looks like she needs sleep. OWWWWW I'm kidding!!" he said and I assumed that Amy hit him, I would too. Amy took the phone of speaker "what an asshole" she said jokingly. "I know but we love him so we can't get rid of him quite yet"
"Yea sadly" she said.
"Ok night love you heaps I'll see you soon" I said.
"Night babes love you too" Amy said sweetly.
"Night bitch mwah" Jackson yelled from the other end making a kissing noise at the end so I did one back. God you really had the best friends I thought to myself. A knock on the door took me out of my thoughts "oh you can come in"I said.

Kate pov

Y/n rushed out of the room, something about a call. That's weird. Clint and I sat at the table in silence for a second before he got up and walked over to the couch to put tv on. I stayed at the table and went on my phone to text my mum I was going to stay with friends for the night. I scrolled through TikTok for a bit looking at those videos of that girl who sang 'what a wonderful world' letter by letter in creepy make up, before I was way to bored. I don't care that y/n was on a call I need her so I won't go out of my mind with boredom. I got out of my chair and slowly walked over to the room that y/n went into. I could hear a guys voice on the phone through the door. "Ok love you heaps I'll see you soon" I heard her say through the door. My heart sank, I don't know why it's not like we were together or anything, no Kate stop thinking like this you just met her. She's beautiful of corse she has a boyfriend why wouldn't she.

I internally picked myself up and and knocked on her door, still wanting to hang out. "Oh you can come in" she said so I opened the door. " Hey oh sorry where you on a call"? I said knowing she was but trying to act like I didn't just listen to her. "Oh nah don't worry I just finished when you knocked".
"Oh anyone important"? I said desperately wanting to know if she had a boyfriend. I don't know why I wanted to know I just know I do.
"Oh it's was my friends Amy and Jackson. I was supposed to hang with them tonight but I decided getting kidnapped, and stabbed, oh and burned, would be more fun" she joked. Got she was funny. No Kate no you just met. I couldn't stop myself from giggling at her joke though. "Wanna watch Harry Potter now" I asked hoping she would say yes.
"Ummm is that even a question, yes" she said already walking out over to the living room.

Y/n pov

We put on the movie and even Clint stayed watching the whole thing. Towards the end of the film I got tired and rested my head on Kate's shoulder hoping she wouldn't mind. After a second she rested her head on mine and sighed. God I could stay like this for ever. I'm not even going to lie to myself that I like her. This is going to be a hard week. "How many bedrooms are there" Clint asked just as the movie finished.
"Oh there's only too but I'm fine to sleep on the couch" she said. "Nah it's fine I'll sleep on the couch" I said not wanting her to be uncomfortable.
"Are you sure y/n I don't mind really" she said sweetly.
"Kate it's fine ok" I said not backing down.
"Ok" she sighed. Clint had already walked off to one of the rooms and Kate ran and grabbed me a blanket. I lay on the couch with only my thoughts for entertainment which, believe me is not the best place to be. They feed you all your worry's and doubts but it's even more painful because it's you that is hurting your self and not someone else. Your the reason that you are worried about this and that. You just have to learn to tell yourself to shut up every once and a while.

An: twice in a day yeeeee! Ok yea night night or idk whatever time zone your in for me it's 2:39am so yea. Remember to drink heaps and eat well. Vote is you want to but you don't have to. X

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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