The Monday : Horror

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Horror woke up, checked the time, it was sometime around four in the morning, he couldn't see that well. He yawned and stretched, finally deciding to get up after a few minutes. After getting changed into his usual outfit, minus the blood stains, he snuck out of his room. He crept down the many stairs to the ground floor.

"Good morning, Horror" A voice spoke, coming from the bottom of the main staircase. "Mornin' Boss" Horror replied. Nightmare took a nice, long sip from his tea, and walked back into the living room, right beside the staircase.

This was a normal occurrence, Nightmare and Horror are always the first to wake up, so they decided it would be best for them to have breakfast together and chat.


Horror soon walked into the living room with a bowl of cereal in his hands. He sat down near Nightmare and quietly started to eat his breakfast without a spoon as per usual until Nightmare starts the conversation.

"So, how has Horrortale been recently, since you go every other day?" Nightmare asked, intrigued. "Eh, it's been fine I guess. Still as traumatizing as ever." Horror answered, easily lying, still drinking his cereal like soup.

"Alright, well, it's best you be off soon, it's half past. Say hello to Papyrus for me will you?" Nightmare asked. "'Course, Boss, see'yah" Horror placed his bowl on the table, standing up and waving "Don't forget about the raid, 7:45, remember" Nightmare waved back as Horror teleported to stars knows where.


The skeleton checked his watch which he had spent the last few years reminding himself how to read. 4:45. Perfectly on time. He still had another fifteen minutes to get there.


A small bell jingled as he opened the door, the scent of fresh bread being cooked hit him like a steam train. "Aye, Horror, you're early" A friendly voice called out, a small dog monster popped up from behind a counter and waved at him. "I wanted to get started on the Cornish pasties early today, m'probably gonna' take one home with me, plus I wanted to make some extra cupcakes, last ones sold out by lunch" The far taller skeleton monster explained as he walked through another door that led him behind the counter. "Alright, I already got some cupcakes cooking in the oven, I think we'll only need another couple batches of'm  to be good to go. I'll be taking my leave in an hour or so, my friend's younger sister's birthday is today, and I gotta' be there." The dog continued "Oh, how old is she now?" Horror asked, putting on an apron  that had 'Number #1 Chef' on it. 

The two kept chatting while they worked, making biscuits, bread, plenty of cupcakes, and an assortment of pastries. The dog monster left, and Horror kept on baking.

After a short while, more co-workers started piling in, getting the cash registers started up, and cleaning the tables outside the small cake and pastry shop.

A co-worker gave Horror a pat on the back "Great job, as per usual." Horror was one of the best pastry chefs they had, it was only a shame he worked every other day in the mornings since he has to go look after his family. That of course was another lie Horror had made up.

 "Oi, mind if I work at the cashiers for a while extra? I'd just like to help, y'know, Mondays are always busy." Horror asked, putting the last of the cupcakes on the display shelf. "Eh, sure, don't overwork yourself though, looking after a sick family is a strain" A human said, freeing up a space at the cashiers.

As if on cue, some humans and monsters poured into the shop.

Business was going good, pastries being sold left right and centre.

"Uhm, can I please have a slice of carrot cake, please?" A small, skittish human walked up to Horror's cashier. "'Course" Horror replied, a lazy grin on his face. He wrapped a slice of carrot cake up in a napkin with a plastic fork, and passed it over "That'll be fifteen gold, kiddo". The human passed over the gold and took their cake, walking off rather quickly. Horror is well, to put it nicely, not the friendliest looking monster out there. A 6'2 skeleton with claws for hands, and a giant gaping hole in their skull. Yeeeah, he looks like the sort of monster that you'd find under your bed who's been spying on you for several years . . . Instead he works part-time at a bakery! The rest of the time he's a wanted murderer across the multiverse, but we won't go far into that.

Horror checked his watch again and cursed quietly to himself. "Guys, gotta' leave, something urgent came up at home, see'yah!" Horror quickly said before teleporting away. "Bye, Horror! Have a good Monday!" One of his co-workers waved as he disappeared "Poor man, wonder what's happened" another co-worker commented.


He teleported to the battle, only to see that Dust and Cross were the only ones there, as well as a trio of very confused looking skeletons who were of course the Star Sanses. All were staring at the apron Horror was still wearing tied around his waist.


Well then, new book, with an actual (although basic, and minimal) script this time, as well as PROPER DEVIDERS FOR TIMES/STORY SETTING CHANGES! 

I am going to try and make each chapter around 1000 words. Key word : 'try'. Some might be smaller, some longer, because of less I have to work with.

I may or may not have looked up the 'G to dollars' rate to help with this.

I hope this goes well, wish me luck.

- Bean

Evil is a part-time job.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя