The Monday : Killer

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Killer grumbled, putting on his uniform. He very much disliked it. Once he was finished, he teleported off, not wanting to be late, completely forgetting to put a note saying that he would be home late today.


He teleported inside a building, food being fried and cooked was all he could smell. "Oi, Killer, I need you to take the drive-though orders, alright?" His 'boss' told him as he walked by. "Yeah, aight'" Killer answered. He went over to where he was supposed to be and taped on an 'ear-piece-microphone-thing', as Killer had dubbed it.

Time for the 'fun' part . . . He thought.

"Hello, can I take your order please?" He asked into the microphone. "Hi, can I have two number nines . . . A number nine large . . . A number six with extra dip . . ." Killer mentally sighed.  "A number seven . . . Two number forty fives, one with cheese . . . And a large soda." The voice continued. "Right, is that all?" He asked in a grumble. "Yeah." The voice answered "Alright, drive on to the next booth to pay." Killer said into the mic, watching a security camera feed to see when the next car turns up. Asgore save my co-workers . . . He thought.

"Hi, can I take your order?" He asked once more when another car turned up. "Hi, do you know where Pizza The Hut is?" A voice spoke. "Excuse me?" Killer asked, confused "This is a Muckdonalds drive-though, man, not a tour guide to Pizza The Hut." He continued, slowly becoming more and more frustrated. "Oh, sorry, I'll go now . . ." Said the voice. Killer watched the cameras in confusion as a human walked away, not even in a car.

"Hello, can I take your order?" Killer asked. "Can I get a ice cream please?" A voice asked. "This is a Muckdonalds, ma'am, don't ask for ice cream, we never have it." Killer answered with a sigh. "Can I have an apple pie then?" The voice asked, sounding mildly offended. "As I said, this is a Muckdonalds, ma'am, if you want apple pies, then you'll have to wait half an hour in the parking lot, aigh'?" Killer answered once more. 

This went on for several minutes.

Once the lady finally decided to eat something that was on the menu and that they had, for several hours, Killer continued to suffer with odd orders. He regrets working at his job immensely. 

"Can I take your order?" Killer asked for hopefully the last time in his shift. "HI. -CAN- -BIG MAC- -FRIES- -NO- -DOUBLE CHEESBURGER- -PEPSI- -SPRITE CRANBERRY- -OKAY?" Was all he could make out of the ear-bleeding shouting. "Could you please lower your voice? I can't understand what you're saying. Oh wait! My shift's over, I'll pass you on to my colleague." Killer said with relief. He took off his microphone and went to grab someone to replace him. When he did find someone, he said "Good luck. You'll need it" to them.

Time, finally, for his second job . . . Didney Store . . .


He started to stock the shelves full of merchandise. "Killer, you forgot your Mikey hat" One of his co-workers said, forcefully plonking a Mikey The Mouse hat on his skull "It'll also make you look less spooky for the children, see?" His co-worker gave him a big smile "Uh-huh?" Killer gave him a bored look, going back to stocking shelves.

"Sir, my mum said that you're scary." Said a small kid with a big smile on their face. Killer just looked blank as he stared at the kid. "She also said that you're a demon." The kid continued with a giant, oblivious smile "A what now-" Killer asked in pure confusion "A demon." The child answered. Killer didn't know how to reply to that. "Go tell your mother that I'm a skeleton monster, not a demon" Killer said slowly, crouching down to the kid's height. "Okie dokie!" The child said as they skipped back to wherever their mother is.

Killer wandered off to a colleague and tapped his shoulder. "Guess what, a kid just told me that their mother thinks I'm scary, and a demon" Killer told him, trying hard not to laugh. His colleague snickered "We know you're spooky, man, but not enough to be a demon, pffft-" He too tried not to laugh. "You don't see many skeleton monsters with black liquid dripping out of their eye sockets, heh?" Killer said, quickly covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing.


Luckily, his second shift wasn't very eventful, and was soon over.

 "We're closing up now, Killer, last chance to buy some of the limited edition merch" A worker said, starting to put some of said limited edition merch into boxes. "Limited edition, eh? Sure, I'll buy a little, I'm sure a friend of mine will like some. He's such a nerd." Killer replied with a snicker.


"Knock knock." Killer knocked at the door to Cross's room.

"Who's there?" A voice replied.


"Robin who?"

"Robin' you! Now open up, give me the money!" Killer started to laugh his skull off.

"OKAY OKAY! Come in, Killer, the door's open." The voice replied.

Killer opened the door and walked in to find Cross sat on his bed reading a book. "I got a present for ya'." Killer said as he dumped a bag on Cross's bed. "Is this what I think it is? I was meaning to get some today since they were going out of stock so quick!" Cross replied, grinning. "Limited edition meeeeerch~" Killer smirked "Now you owe me one. Heh." He continued.

"Wait, wait, wait. Killer?! Where even were you today?! You didn't leave a note, nothing at all?!" Cross snapped out of his joy.



I was really stuck on what to do for Killer, I had to even rewrite most of the chapter, heh. (Originally he was going to work at Hot Topics, believe it or not.)

I hope this story is going alright so far, I'm doing the script in a style I'm not used to, so, bare with me here! I'm happy to take criticism! 

I've not worked at any of the places listed, so, apologies for anything incorrect for those who do work there!

I know I've already said it, but, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

- Bean


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