The Saturday Before : Dust

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Dust walked down the many flights of stairs to see Nightmare and Horror chatting away, as per usual. He walked into the living room and yawned "Morning Horror, morning Boss" he greeted. "Good morning Dust" Nightmare replied. "Morning!" Horror replied while eating a mouthful of cereal.


Dust returned to the room with his own breakfast to find only Horror watching some 'Sans News'. He sat down beside him and almost immediately jumped out of his seat when some random Sans yelled "CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!" on the television screen. "So, Where'd Boss go?" Dust asked after a moment of watching a group of Sanses go on and on about chemicals in the water affecting frogs. "Oh, Boss said he 'ad to go spread more negativity, too much positivity out and about, y'know?" Horror answered "Oh, thanks Horror . . . Oh sh-" Dust covered his mouth before he could finish the word "I'm uhh- Late for a uhhh- Weekly murder spree! Bye Horror!" Dust left his breakfast on the table and teleported away without another word.

"Did he just stop himself from swearing?" Horror asked himself, confused.


"I was about to say you're late, but turns out you're one minute early"  A female human said as Dust entered the rooms behind the shop "Now, off you go, here's your badge. We might need some help promoting the fairy wings since we have a bit extra than we thought in stock. So at some point go pick out a pair of fairy wings you like and wear them the whole shift. Then, you can take them home" She continued with a smile. "Alright, thanks ma'am" Dust replied as he took his badge from her hands "Yeah yeah, now shoo, those items aren't going to be sold by themselves, and pull your hood down!" She shooed him out of the door and into the main shop.

Dust walked behind the counter in the centre of the shop, pulling his hood down and putting on his badge. 'Hi, my name is Dust' his badge read, with the logo of the shop underneath : 'Clare's'.

Soon enough hoards of mostly female children, from what he guessed were from 7-12 years old, started piling in to the shop in packs like wolves. 

Sometimes Dust wishes he chose another job that doesn't include tiny children . . . For 'Chara' reasons.

"Hey, mister, mister! Mummy said I could buy this, she's with my sister at the moment." A child walked up to the counter and placed what looked like a loaf-sized cat eating popcorn and a twenty pound note with it. "Alright, you want a receipt with that, kiddo? I'm guessing you don't need a bag" Dust asked. The kid nodded, and Dust took the money, and printed the receipt. "Have a great Saturday" Dust waved as the kid walked off back to her mother, carrying the giant cat in her arms.


"I don't see your fairy wingsssss?" A fellow worker said, trying to get Dust to wear a pair to help promote the fairy wings. "Okay, okay, I get it" Dust grumbled, wandering off to grab a pair of them.

When he walked back over to the counter the same co-worker said "I was starting to think you were too emo to wear fairy wings . . ." she gave a smug expression "One, I'm not emo. Two, if you dare say I'm rocking the look, I'm not going to your wedding. Three, there's a kid waiting to get their ears pierced, so, see ya'" Dust walked off to the kid and their parents.

The co-worker just looked lost in thought for a moment, before whispering to herself "But I'm not even engaged . . .?" in confusion.

"Alright, so, you decided which pair of earrings you want?" Dust asked as the child sat down on a chair. "Mhmm, the ladybird ones!" The kid answered as she pointed to the ones she wanted. "Alright, the ladybird ones it is" Dust replied.

Dust mumbled to himself as he got everything set up. "I like your fairy wings Mr! Are you a real fairy?" The kid asked. "Oh uhm- Yeah, 'course I'm a real fairy, I can do magic too" Dust answered, using his actually real magic to teleport a fluffy teddy bear into the girl's arms "Now, that's Ted the teddy bear, if you feel scared, just hug him and he'll protect you" Dust continued as he got back to work.


It was now lunch, the end of his shift.

He had sold around 70-ish items, did two sets of ear piercings, got looked at weirdly by five pairs of parents, got told twice that he should work in Hot Topics instead of Clare's, and one kid told him that he's scary. A good morning shift in his books.

Dust teleported back to the mansion, still wearing his fairy wings, and quietly snuck up the stairs and down a corridor, heading in the direction of his room.

He stopped suddenly when he heard voices. Correction, a voice.

Dust peeped around the corner of the corridor and spotted Nightmare with bright pink glitter glue all over his hands, cursing to himself as he hurried down the hallway in the opposite direction to Dust. He guessed the gang had played a prank on him with glitter glue again.

Oh how little did he know.


Updates should be once a week or so, but that probably won't go to plan, I've been pretty busy the past few days, plus I just returned back to my FNAF phase once again . . . Oh well. Just because I'm (somehow) back (-ish) in the FNAF fandom, doesn't mean I'm putting a hold to any of my books that aren't completed, so don't worry! I really need to add more headcanons to my headcanon book . . .

Anyhow, this is Dust's shift! He only works mornings on Saturdays! I think I won't do their full days, only just before their shift(s) start, and only just after they finish.

I have to change the names of some brands slightly because of the dreaded and feared word that is copyright. I just don't want to get attacked-

I'm happy to take constructive criticism, plus if you see any mistakes, please do say!

- Bean

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