ABCD 9.4

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Via: Text Message


You there, Abcd?

I reread our previous conversation and I noticed something odd that you said

"So go ahead. Take a screenshot and send it to your friends. Let them know you're not as "heavenly" as they think you are. Show them my experience with you. I dare you"

Do you already know that time that I only message you to get a proof that we fooled around that night? Because if so, then that would explain why you were harsh that time. You don't want to be the focus of attention. You have to say those harsh words so I won't get to screenshot it and send it to my friends


Yes I knew about it and you are correct


Who told you?


Why is that so important?


Was that a lie? Due to your anger and you wanting not to be the talk of the town, you lied about not liking the sex?


I was harsh because I don't want to be the hot topic and I also want to teach you a lesson. But I told no lies. I meant everything that I said


So I really owe you an apology huh?


You don't owe me anything

But if I get a positive result for syphilis, that's when you owe me an apology


Hahaha. Don't worry. You won't get that from me

But seriously. I'm sorry if I did not consider how you will feel that time


It's just disappointing that you firstly need to know that I knew about it before you own up to your actions


The realisation always comes after you did or said something. But you're right. Kung di ko narealize to, baka hanggang ngayon di pa rin ako nagsosorry sayo


Thank them for not believing and for not spreading it to the entire team


You did an outstanding job for showing them how high maintenance you are. They did not believe because they think I'm out of your league lol


You are out of my league


Why did you have sex with me then?


Goodbye. I'll just text you when I get the STD results


Lol. This is what you owe me, babes, an explanation


It's just a one night stand so why do I owe you an explanation?


How about an apology?


For what?


For using me for sex?

You do know that right?

That you used me for sex?

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