5. blank page

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Adelaide stared at it, bleary eyed for a while. She bit her lip. She was really supposed to be working on her book right now. She knew that if she kept procrastinating the way that she was right now, she would end up never getting her work done. But, she was stressed and she had made no progress in the hour that she had been sitting there, so she sat there and weighed the pros and the cons of opening this message right now. They went as follows:


-Could take her mind off of the fact that she had made no headway in her book and the deadline was fast approaching

- she could meet someone new for once

- Maybe she could hook up with someone


-She literally had a deadline that was fast approaching and she hadn't written anything to make this alternate, better ending work with her book because she had no idea what was going on right now.

She decided that she was going to answer the message. What was the harm in that?

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