8. coming for you

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The date was made and Katerina was freaking out a little. There was a difference when she 'dated men' and when she dated women. It was a different experience. Men were easy, and when she had a target, she didn't feel bad about manipulating them. When she was going on a date with a woman, she actually had to try.

She wasn't sure if her personality was something that other women liked. She was already very hard to tell if they actually liked her or if they could detect the darker parts of her. It was something that always made her very self conscious.

She told herself that everything was going to go okay, but her anxiety was getting the better of her. She was the type of person that liked to be exactly what other people wanted, and she kept thinking of what Adelaide might want.
Would she want someone shy and reserved or someone extroverted that pushed her out of her comfort zone? Katerina wasn't quite sure what category that she fit into.

She tried her best not to dwell on that.

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