❗Information on this book ❗

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Hello there readers! I must ask how you are doing today, but I should just get to explaining the characters!


14 year old 

Backstory : Dash was a normal boy before his parents got kidnapped that is, accompanied by is his brother, bash they explored and got their starters! But then dash picked a fight with team eclipse then they took bash as a price then he learned the hard truth, you can't trust anyone in this world not even people you know......  

Prof. Wyatt 

About 20 / 30 

Backstory : being the professor of the Roria region he helped dash and bash get their starters like usual but then he forgot about them, being replaced by another professor he made it his life goal to get mega stones and help everyone! 


11 years old 

Backstory : A mysterious boy that always loved to battle other trainers using his torracat and frogadier he was passionate about being a trainer and he loves it! Battling other people was fun for him and when he saw dash he had to just fight him! 

Demon (Leader of team storm) 

16 years old 

Backstory : a young boy who focused on doing good due to this urgue to help people, he made team storm some people say he has a Zapdos and even team eclipse is afraid of him! He loves hiding in the shadows and destroying evil team's 

Ash Ketchum 

10 ( or 11) years old!

Backstory : I'm pretty sure you know this one if you watched the pokemon anime, he started in Kanto and traveled to more regions in time when he heard about Roria he had to go there meeting prof. Wyatt and Colin he started adventuring again! 

Bash (dash's twin) 

14 years old 

Backstory : dash's twin that got kidnapped by team eclipse soon trained by the admins becoming the most powerful team eclipse member soon he meets dash again and has so much guilt he runs away never to be seen again..... 

That is all! I hope you enjoy reading this book.

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