|Chapter 2 : the volcano|

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|Dash's P.O.V|
As I set my glaceon down I decided to go fight some trainers as I wiped the tears off my face I saw somebod- no three people come running out into route 6, I just stared
#(Author's note : It's three of course its three!)#
Then the boy with black hair came up to me as I just stared as he got closer before saying " Hey! Are you dash? We're looking for someone called dash, anyways if you are him then the professor has to say sorry" of course, they were here to apologize I knew it would happen eventually, well I just ran off ignoring their shouts as I headed towards the volcano, to try and find my brother....

|Colin's P.O.V |

I watched as he ran off before someone approached us,  /\i wonder who he is?/\ I thought as he spoke to ash I heard parts of it but I think they are talking about dash I heard the stranger mention his name was demon, huh what a weird name? But he said this "I need to find that little grunt he is causing tons of trouble" I just stared before I mentioned "I saw him go to the volcano or that weird rock over there"  I mentioned as demon stared before saying "Well let's go there right now" I sighed, why was I getting in so much trouble? Anyways we went over to that rock and saw dash who was staring at demon but then I snuck off into the cave it looks so cool! But then demon and the professor came running into the cave, I looked around but then something caught my eye.... THE REGIROCK!!!!! I felt so excited!

'|After the professor caught the regirock for no reason|'

|Demon's P.O.V|
As soon as the "Professor" as that kid called him caught that regirock I was FUMING but I held it in as I said to break the silence "I need to find that grunt he ran away! Lugia go find that grunt!" I said throwing out my Lugia as the professor stared at me..... I still hated him and I was still fuming at him he then asked, "You wanna come with us on our adventure? It has been good so far besides you seem like a good guy!" He asked as I stared at him, I responded looking at the floor "I'll have you know I'm the leader of team storm, besides I'm much more stronger than you I don't need more burdens on my shoulders right now..." I said rudely, I never really meant for someone Anyone to ask me to join their journey so I just did what I usually did whenever people asked me to join them, be rude and not kind to shelter himself from people who just use him.... Anyways the Lugia came back and gestures towards the volcano huh, must be where team eclipse is well let's go....

×|Have a break besides UwU|×

|professor Wyatt's P.O.V|

I thought about Demon, god he said that rudely but i could see through him easily. I never forced people to tell me their emotions so I never pushed him to say more as we headed to the volcano, just before we entered he decided to say " Well I need to go, See ya again if ever..." Demon said before flying off well, I guess we go as I headed into the volcano with Colin.

Woohoo! Chapter 2 is done! I barely had any motivation but I did it! Bye!

@Loner signing off!

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