It's been so long...

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My eyes crinkle
My face full of dried tears
My vocal cords hurt
My lunges desperately trying to catch some air
My abdomen aching from being bent over
My brain for once content and quiet
My heart sparks with life after being dull for so long

And my mouth hurts from smiling like an idiot.

It's been so long,
missed you my old friend.

It was so easy and it still took so much.
Just a silly little comment, meant to be only heard by certain ears.
Bless myself, for being one of the chosen ones.

It reminded me of my goal, my goal to try to not give up, to accept who I am now.
To not try to be person I once was, because this version of myself is a long forgotten one. A dead one.

Who would have thought that a silly little comment could keep safe, what was thought to be lost, and bring it back to life?
I couldn't until I felt it.

It's been so long,
missed you my dear old friend.

My body being warmed up from the inside out.
Life running through my veins, bringing the house of my soul back to life.
My laugh echoing in the room.
Stares directed at me.
Most confused and annoyed, yet they don't understand the meaning behind my actions.

..Only I can, because nobody knows, nobody can know...

It's like a curse has been broken. Suddenly everything is so funny, so lively and I can't stop laughing, can't stop feeling alive...

Gradually the world appears to be a beautiful mix of colours.
The sun shining brightly, the stars hanging high above in the sky, while the moon shimmers in a light grey.
Red turning into orange, yellow, a gentle brown.
Green and blue spots pop up in between purple and pink.

It's been so long,
my beloved friend.

Back then we met up everyday, but then you stopped showing up and I was left behind, sorrowful and dull. Some might would dare to say dead if they knew.

Now you're back.
I caught a glimpse of you, you can't hide! I won't let you go this time!

Not when it's been so long,
my deeply treasured friend.
My Joy

Poetry Written By FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now