Chapter 2

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A/N: Would you believe me if I said I was sitting on this for about 5 days? Lol okay on with the story also I do apologize because it's not edited, honestly may go back and edit my chapters as I go further into the story. Anyway please enjoy and stay tuned for the next chapter.


10 years later

Alexa POV:

As I'm currently getting dressed to have lunch with my parents I can't help but to think today's the day, I can feel it. After 4 years of trying to convince my parents, I think they finally are ready to give me Happy Estate.....I know it's a weird name but according to my parents they named it that because they know everyone will be happy when buying from them.

Anyways, they have been hinting at it for the past couple weeks honestly now that I'm thinking about it. They've been having secret meetings and they've been asking me to handle more things then what I normally do and I think it's about to happen.

I keep getting dressed and drive over to where we are having lunch. As I'm driving over I pass over Lake's funny because I pass this street almost everyday and all I think about is him. I wonder how he's doing or if he still even lives over here. I quickly change my mind in thought and focus on the thing that matters getting to this lunch on time. When I arrive, I see my parents already there and sitting down at the table and something tells me this conversation may not go like how I want it to.

"Well look who finally graced us with her presence" I hear my mom say and sit down "well to be fair I live on the other side of town....not with the poor people either before you ask" Where they use to live once upon a time but I'll leave that part out. They nod their head and look at me "we would have helped you move to a better place but you insisted on doing it yourself honey" yeah because you guys had already controlled enough of my life

"Mom Dad, you guys know I needed to do it on my own and I appericate how much you want to help but I need to be an adult, one who pays her way through life" I say and look back at them as they don't say anything about it and we keep going with our lunch.

"So there's something we want to talk to you about" My dad says mid lunch and I look up, dropping my fork full attention now on him. Is this the moment I've been waiting for? Is it finally here? Are they about to tell me? You know it's funny how excited I am for this because honestly I didn't ever think I'd want to follow in my parents foot steps but I actually really love this business. "So me and your mother have been talking about the business and us retiring...." my dad starts off

"And we think that its time that we step down and give you more tasks to do and slowly put you into the business front and center" my mom says and I look at them smiling "Seriously? You guys are the best!! I'm been so ready for this. I have so many ideas for the company and a couple ways to help expand our-" My parents cut me off "woah woah slow down okay? Honey its a few more things we gotta handle first, then we will talk about it more. We have to do a few meetings today then after that we will fully know whats going on and we'll talk to you about it tomorrow" I nod my head slightly as the check comes and we pay for our food before saying our byes and heading out

I drive back to my apartment and park my car before making my way over to my place to talk to my roommate and best friend Nathan. Once I walk in, I put my bags down before making my way over to him "So guess what?" I start off

He looks at me "Well hey Jane how are you doing?" He asks and I roll my eyes "You know I hate when you call me Jane right but okay so they finally told me that they were ready to give me the business"

He smiles "DUDE FINALLY. OKAY WE SHOULD CELEBRATE TONIGHT" he says and I nod my head before sitting down "how about we stay in and I cook some dinner then we can have a movie night?" I take my phone out and go down my Twitter feed "wait you don't have a date tonight with Tara?" I ask him

He shakes his head and looks at me "tomorrow night not tonight so tonight I'm all yours but not while you're dressed like that. Go change into something more comfortable so that way you don't make me feel so poor"

I laugh and stand up before walking over to my room. I'm so thankful for Nathan, I met him about 8 years ago and he has been one of the few great things in my life and he's also one of the things I've tried to keep away from my parents as much as possible.

I wish we were friends when me and Tyler were together because he definitely would have not let me walked away like how I did. I told Nathan about that whole situation a few years back and he has tried to convince me to reach out to him but I can't do that not as Layla and definitely not as Alexa. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have made up Layla but hey you do crazy things when you're a teen.

As I'm walking back into the living room, I see Nate cooking and humming along to the music that I'm just now hearing as I'm walking closer to him. We spend the night cooking and laughing before switching over to our movies and going to sleep shortly after getting through the first 2 Harry Potter movies.

The next morning, I wake up in the best mood. I can't wait to see what my parents have to say and most importantly I'm ready to start to become the new owner and raise the company like how I want to. It's something so amazing about knowing that my life is finally about to change for the better. After everything that I've been through and how much of my life I've given up to try and keep my family happy it's nice to know that things are finally paying off for me.

I get out of bed and go to get dressed before heading out to the job. As I'm driving down I get a text from my parents asking me to meet them in their office once I get there and I know that means it's time. When I arrive to work I walk in and start making my way over to them.

"Hey Lexa off to see the parents?" I look up Tara, Nate girlfriend and my friend she's so sweet honestly probably the sweetest in this company. I nod my head and smile "Hey Tara and yeah they wanna talk to me about something important" she nods her head and let's me go after asking me if I could help her out with something once I was done for Nate and of course I said yeah. When I walk off I head over to their office.

As I walk into my parents office, I'm greeted by them and another girl and now I'm confused. At first glance I can tell that me and her probably aren't far off in age and she's new because I've never seen her before. As I sit down I look at them hoping they can see through my eyes that I'm very confused.

"Alexa we wanted to talk to you about something" my dad says and looks at me and I know he does but why is he doing it with a stranger in the office "We want you to meet Julie"

I turn my head over to her and smile just thinking she's a new worker and man how I really wish I was right "Hi it's nice to meet you I'm Alexa and welcome to the company" I shake her hand "She's going to be helping you out for the next few months" my dad says and I look at him

"Helping me out how? I don't need an assistant you guys know that" I say and look at them because even though I'm about to become the new owner, I can still handle everything on my own

"Alexa she's your new co owner" my smile immediately fades and I look at the girl and then my parents


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