Chapter 3

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Alexa POV:

There's a moment in time when certain words will change your life and for me, it was these words but I wasn't fully aware of it at the time.

"I'm sorry I want to make sure I heard clearly. She's my co-owner? I don't need one" I say and stand up "This is unfair you guys, I worked hard to show you I was ready and you hand half the company to a stranger"

"For six months" I hear on the side of me and look over to her "for six months?" I repeat back and my parents nod their head and I sit down being a little more willing to hear what they have to say "fine let me heat it" I say and look at them

"Listen honey. She's qualified and she knows what she's doing, she just moved down here from California and she worked at a top real estate place out there so she can show you the ropes"

I look over to the girl and as irritated as what I am with my parents, I guess having an assistant or co-owner or whatever for 6 months wouldn't hurt but I don't want her here more than that. "And what if I don't want her here what if I think I can handle this on my own. I know what I'm doing"

"We don't doubt that" my mom says and looks at me "just give her a chance. 6 months and this will be yours and you can decide where to put her at after that"

"Okay fine" I say and look at them then the girl "welcome to the team just follow me and I'll show you how everything works here. We aren't like California so you may get bored of us pretty quickly"

The girl laughs and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes. I'm sure she may be cool and all but the fact that I'm parents managed to pull this off in one day is seriously annoying "I think I'll be fine I grew up here actually moved away about 15 years ago for school and now I'm back"

I nod my head and stand up "okay well come on let me introduce you to everyone and show you where your office is suppose to be. Where is it supposed to be at anyway parents?" I say and look at them "room next to yours" my dad says and I nod my head before walking out hoping the girl follows me

I quickly make way to my office and turn to her and point in the office next door "it's that one right there. The last person who worked here quit about 2 months ago so you should be good"

She nods her head and starts to make her way over, unpacking all of her stuff as I make my way over to my office making sure everything is where I need it to be.

Later on in the day Julie walked into my office "So listen I know you don't really like this idea all that much but I'm not here to try and steal anything from you. My boyfriend and your dad are golf buddies so when my boyfriend brought up that I was in the business they thought it was a good idea. I'm just here to help you out Alexa"

I look and her and nod my head in understanding " Thanks Julie I appreciate it" I say truly thankful at the fact that she came in and told me. Since I'm here for the next six months I minus well enjoy her company. "Hey I was just going out to lunch did you want to come with?"

She nods her head and smiled "yeah that would be great and do you mind if I invite my brother? He was suppose to come by later to bring me over this paper work but maybe I can just ask him to meet us there"

I nod my head and stand up "yeah that would be okay with me" I say and start to grab my purse "so it's just you and your brother?" I ask trying to get to know her

"Yeah it's just us and my mom" she says and I nod my head "and you're the only sibling right? Well of course you are because if you weren't you and your sibling would be in this together unless they don't want to be"

I laugh slightly and shake my head "no just me" I say and start to walk towards the elevator. I was going to invite Tara but I think me and my new co owner should get to know each other more

"Your parents are so cool and they were telling me something waning to have a welcome party or something for us they just don't know what to do" she says and I shake my head slightly " honestly that's code for just having a party for everyone to see"

As we are walking towards the coffee shop my heart is doing flips and I couldn't say why honestly I ignored it that day but I wish I hadn't. When we get to the shop we stand in line and wait to order our food, after order we go find a seat and sit down while we wait for our coffee and food.

"So my brother agreed to coming here so I was going to ask him if wanted to eat with us if that was okay with you" I nod my head and look at her "okay thanks" she says and we keep talking and getting to know each other. She honestly doesn't seem like the worst person in the world.

"I actually have to go to the bathroom really quickly and I'll be right back okay" I say and quickly stand up to go to the bathroom. Once I finish up I make my way back to the table and as I get there I see a guy walking away from the table.

"Hey who was that?" I asked her and sat down

"That was my brother. He wanted to stay and eat with us but he left his wallet in the car so he's going to go get it" I nod my head and turn my head over to the right as I see the food coming

"Okay so this looks really good" it was just a small muffin and a sandwich but it looks amazing. I start to eat my food when I see the door opening up. I look up slightly and my eyes widen slightly




There's no way that's Tyler!! I'm fine he doesn't know Alexa and has no reason to even look this way. Yeah I should be fine I just keep my head down and keep eating until I see shoes in my view. I look up slightly and am surprised when I see him again. TYLER IS HER BROTHER YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME

"Hello" he says before sitting down and looks at me

Don't say anything stupid Alexa remember he doesn't know you anymore and you don't know him. You haven't seen him in 10 years and honestly haven't moved on from him within those ten years either but that part doesn't matter.

"H-hi" I stumbled out and I want to do nothing more than to face palm myself. OH GOD

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