Chapter 1

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A?N: Hello!! Welcome to my new story this is my first actual attempt at writing a book so please be patient and bare with me. Feel free to give any advice and please follow along while we go through this little journey because its gonna be a bit of a wild one and I promise things will make complete sense as the story goes on. This isn't the edited version (probably will edit after I finish the story) so just go along with me.


July 2011

Alexa POV

Have you ever found yourself pretending to be something you're not?

That's the question that ponders my head in the early evening hours of a Monday as I'm getting ready to go out. See I know I shouldn't be going out on a Monday but my story is complicated but we'll get there soon.

As I'm putting on my jeans, I hear my mother walking towards my room, all I can do is quickly throw my pants on the floor and put on my robe before she walks in. She doesn't know I'm going out yet she wouldn't let me since it's a school night.

"Almost ready?" She asks looking at me and I quickly look down at myself making sure that there's no evidence that I'm planning to go out. I shake my head and look at her "Why what's wrong? You know this is important to us honey" Her and my dad business dinner was tonight and I completely forgot about it

"I honestly feel sick so i was thinking about just staying in tonight" I walk to my closet as she nods her head and talks to me about some business party her and dad wanted me to go to next weekend and I can't help but roll my eyes slightly "okay mom I'll be there..." You see my parents are owners of one of the biggest real estate agency in our state and honestly they are really good at what they do but getting dragged out to dinners every so often is really annoying.

When she finally walks out of my room I ditch my robe again and keep getting dressed. Once I finish my makeup, I start to braid my hair down and put on my wig as my phone starts to go off. I quickly make my way over and smile as I see his name come up

"Hey you."

"Hey are you gonna make me wait 2 hours again?" It was one weekend and I will never hear the end of it

"Haha very funny, I'm almost ready and ill meet you at our normal place"

"Okay perfect. I'll see you later beautiful and don't forget to bring your ID okay?"

"I wont. I love you"

"I love you too"

I hang up the phone and wrap up on my outfit as I hear my parents open up my door

"Hey guys don't come in's uh not a pretty sight but I'll see you later okay" Wearing ripped jeans and a crop top with this wig on is something I didn't need my parents to see, trust me they don't ever need to.

"Are you sure? Maybe we should stay home" I hear my mom say then a second later "no actually we can't honey I'm sorry but call us if you need anything okay?" Dad must have stopped her and for that I'm extremely grateful.

Once I'm sure they're gone I make my way out of my room and grab my shoes before making my way out to the garage. I quickly grab my car keys to start the car before driving over to the other side of town. Once I get a block over from our normal meeting place I quickly park the car and make my way over to the park.

See I know you may be thinking why is she parking all the way over here....well you see it's a crazy but funny my boyfriend doesn't exactly know who I am

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