Chapter 4

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A/N: First Tyler POV let's do this!!

Tyler POV:

"H-hi" the girl on the other side of my sister says and I can't help but to laugh a bit

"Hi" I say and smile before sitting down "what's your name?" I say and look at her. She's really hot but she's also my sister new co worker so I'll play nice.

"No Tyler" my sister says and I look at her "I know that look. don't even think about it." I wanted to smack her, but of course if I did that she would kill me, that's the perks of having a sister who's 3 years older than me

I turn back to the girl who name I still don't know and smile at her waiting for her to tell me "I'm sorry I have to go" she says and before I could get another word out she's gone. I glance at Julie "Seriously sis? She was cute"

"And she's also like my boss so hands off" I can't help but to smirk slightly because my hands haven't been on her.... not yet at least. We sat and talked for about 10 minutes and my mind couldn't help but wonder back to the girl. My sister still hasn't told me her name but I know that she agreed to becoming a partial owner with someone for a few months so she must be the other owner.

After she gets up and leaves, I make my way over to go hang out with my best friend Ryan. I've known Ryan about 12 years but we didn't really get extremely close until about 9 years ago when he helped me out during a bad time in my life but hey that's a story for another time.

When I walk inside of Ryan house I yell out "Hey asshole I'm here" I say and make my way over to the couch to sit down and watch some TV "I'm not the asshole of this friendship buddy that's you" I laugh slightly

"Dude we should do something tonight" I say and look at him "I of course have to be back at work in like 30 minutes but I definitely think we should do something"

"Meet up at Franklin's?" He asks me and I nod my head "deal but let's avoid the pizza for tonight I'm not trying to have a repeat of last time" Franklin's is an Italian place and last time we went and had pizza Ryan ate the whole damn pizza, I only had about 2 slices and if looks could kill he would have been 20 feet under.

"Man how many times do I have to apologize for that?" He asks me "Oh wait can Sasha come tonight?" Sasha is his new girlfriend, she's really cool people and honestly I like her for him and even though they've only been dating a few months I can tell that he is really in love even if he won't admit it just yet.

"Yeah I don't mind. Just no more trying to set me up on double dates" he laughs and nodded. I look at the time and see I gotta go "man I know I was suppose to be here about 30 minutes ago but I gotta go before I'm late for work but tomorrow I'll be back and I can kick your ass in hockey" I stand up and start walking towards the door

"Man you say that until we start playing then we'll see who will really be kicking who ass" I laugh and walk out his house and quickly make my way to my car. The truth is I didn't have work today but my mind keeps wondering back to this girl and I don't know why but it feels like I've met her before.

Alexa POV:


After literally running out of there, I made my way back home extremely thankful that Nathan was off today because I needed to tell him what just happened. I walked in and walked into Nathan room

"Hey what are you doing here?' He asks me as I sit down on the edge of his bed

"I saw Tyler today" I tell him "he didn't recognize me but I just knew it was him then she said his name and confirmed it. Oh God and I sounded so stupid the first thing I said was h-hi I mean what was that? Julie seems really cool and I remember him talking about having a sister but she was also not a picture person so I never saw a picture of her. I think I'm gonna be sick honestly" I say and he looks really confused

"Who is Julie first off" he asks me and I look at him "Oh right okay so my parents basically hired a girl to be a partial owner for the next 6 months.... which I still think is stupid but she seems cool so I invited her to lunch and she said that her brother needed to get her something and before I knew it I'm looking up and seeing Tyler"

Honestly he hadn't changed much over the years. His face still looks just about the same but it's not as much of a baby face as what it was when I was 17. He also had gotten taller he use to only be a few inches taller than me but now he's more like a whole foot taller. I know I'm kinda tiny but he's like a whole giant.

"Hello Lexa??" I tune back into the conversation and look at Nathan "sorry what?"

"I said are you sure it's actually him? And how did he not recognize you?" He says "I mean I know you wore makeup and wigs back then but how?" He looks at me and I sigh softly "honestly it was alot more to it then just that.....I never wanted anyone to recognize me and I never wore makeup as Alexa and I barely wear it now so I perfected my makeup for Layla and my wigs were always the same color and length just different styles and I also had contacts on so blue eyes nobody would ever think I was a smith you know? And Layla was very different from me.... she was really my other person and I was able to dress and say whatever I wanted to while I was her"

"Sounds so Hannah Montana ish" he says and I laugh "honestly that's where I got the idea from" I say and look at the time "I need to go back to work but I don't want to now.... like how do I look at Julie and not make it super obvious that I know her brother"

"Hey you got this go back to work and do your job then when you're done you get to come back and after that we can have a movie night" Nathan says and pushes me out of bed "okay go" he says and I say bye before walking out of the room. I hate when he's right

Once I get back to work I make my way over to Julie desk to see if she's there and she is. She looks at me "Hey I'm sorry about my brother" she says

"Oh no it's okay" I say and sit down "if anything I think I embarrassed myself enough for the day I just didn't expect to- um I didn't expect him to be so cute" I say and laugh nervously

"Oh" she says and laughs "well I can pass along that message to him if you would like" I laugh and shake my head before we start to talk about business stuff and for that I'm thankful. Julie is called in to the office by my parents, probably to sign some papers or something.

When she leaves I make my way over to my desk and keep working when I hear "well hello again" I look up and see Tyler "Hello" I say and try to keep my head down but I can feel his eyes on me "Is there something I can help you out with?" I ask and keep working.

"Well honestly I needed to drop off this paper to Julie, I forgot to bring it during lunch and you just so happened to be right here and im not sure where her office is" I nod my head slightly and keep working "It's right next to my office actually"

"What's your name" he asks me and I look at him "it's Alexa and yours is?" I ask trying to pretend like I really don't know his name. He smiles "it's Tyler and it's really nice to meet you Alexa" he says and keeps looking at me

"Can I be honest with you?" He asks me and I nod my head "It feels like I've already met you before. Have we met before" he asks and I look at him. ABORT MISSION BECAUSE I THINK HE KNOWS.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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