Class president/false alarm

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The next morning
Killua's pov
I woke up before any of my brothers and sister i looked at the time on milluki's computer and saw it was time for my sister to go to school naomi wake up i shook her gently
Naomi's pov
I felt myself being shook gently and heard naomi wake up i then realized it was killua i opened my eyes morning kil i got up and i saw it was time for school so i left milluki's room and went to mine then i took a shower and got dressed after that i got in my car and drove to ua once i got to ua i saw the press crowding ua i saw mr.aizawa i ran over to him all might's not on campus today now get out of here you disturbed my students enough already mr.aizawa wrapped his arm around me in a protective way as we walked into the ua gate that must be annoying having to deal with them being up your ass because of all might i heard him chuckle it is Especially when they start bothering my students i laughed yea then the lady tried to walk through but the security system activated i shook my head idiots they should have known that was going to happen this is ua for god sakes man i hate people sometimes
Aizawa's pov
I've never seen her express anger or any emotion at that before it was cute the way she got mad but why are her eyes so dark there's no shine at all i promise you naomi i will get your spark back no matter what i have to do
Back to naomi's pov
Me and aizawa got to the classroom once we walked in i went and sat down at my seat decent work on yesterday's Combat training you guys I saw the video feeds And went over each of your team's results bakugou your talented so don't sulk like a child about your loss ok yea whatever and Midoriya I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again work harder and don't give me the Excuse that you don't have control over your quirk that line is already getting old you can't keep breaking your body while training here but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it so show a little Urgency huh right let's get down to Business our first task will decide your future i was confused how is a task going to decide our future you all need to pick a class Representative really mr.aizawa that's all i thought and then everyone started wanting to get picked but i didn't care about it silence everyone please iida yelled everyone went quiet the class representative's duty Is to lead others That's not something just anyone can do You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom Therefore the most logical Way to fill this position Is democratically We will hold An election to choose Our leader he's making it to obvious i thought Is this really the best idea We've only known each other a few days How do we know who we can trust Besides everyone will just vote for themselves Most people will But that means whoever does Receive multiple votes must truly be The most suitable person for the job It's the best way right sir Do what you want just decide before my naps over thank you for your trust i voted for iida because he's the one i trust the most because how serious he is in certain situations after everyone else voted i noticed izuku got three and iida had one because of me i shook my head idiots iida and momo are the only right ones for that job i thought i blocked everyone out because they were getting annoying once i saw izuku and momo standing in front of the class i started listening again All right the class Rep is midoriya And our Deputy is yaoyorozu really it's not a mistake again i shook my head then it was lunch time i was about to go to the rooftop to eat but uraraka stopped me hey naomi do you want to eat with me deku and iida i sighed yea sure uraraka brought me to the table they were sitting at i sat on the other side in front of iida and uraraka It's always so crowded in here That's because students in the support Management and hero Courses all share the same Cafeteria this rice is delicious guy's i'm kinda worried about the class rep thing i don't think i'm Qualified sure you are you'll be great dude you'll do fine as long as you don't act like bakugou i said Your courage and quick-thinking Under stress will help Make you a worthy leader Not to mention the strength you demonstrate Those are the reasons I voted for you at least you were one of the three Didn't you want to be rep really badly I mean you do look the part  cuz of the glasses i don't think being rep works like that i thought Wanting a job And being suited to it Are quite different things Observing the iida's families hero agency has taught me that much agency both izuku and uraraka said at the same time this is when i knew it was going to get boring so i put on my headphones and put music on so i couldn't hear their conversation i then felt izuku nudge me so i took off my headphones yes what is it is any of your family pro heros izuku asked i froze then i clutched my hands in fist no none of them are i answered please don't ask me anything eles about my family it's personal i said o-oh ok yea we'll leave it alone for now
Iida izuku and uraraka thoughts
Why doesn't she want to talk about her family and why did she get so mad
And then all of a sudden an alarm went off i didn't care cause i didn't sense any danger someone then told us what a level three security breach is again i wasn't worried like everyone else was so i stayed sitting at the table waiting for the chaos to be over but i did want to know what was causing all of this so i walked over to the window to see the reporters bothering mic and aizawa i growled don't they know privacy and personal space i then ran to the entrance door i opened the door mic turned in my direction kid go back inside no i'm not letting these people bother ya'll and scare my classmates i got in front of mic and aizawa and showed my bloodlust i advise you all to leave and stop bothering ua all might and the other pro heroes do you got it i said in a monotone voice y-y-yea w-w-we g-g-g-got i-i-it good now LEAVE the reporters left i calmed down and turned towards mic and aizawa i know i shouldn't have done that but i couldn't stand seeing them bother you two and i don't know why i just felt the need to protect the class and you two that's probably your hero instincts present mic said you might be right i'm sorry if i caused any problems it's ok kid just next time when mic tells you to go inside go inside we don't want you to get hurt mr.aizawa told me now why don't you go in and check in on your class present mic said ok i walked back into ua and started walking back to one-A
Present mic's pov
Sho she cares about us and she got the reporters to go away i know it's just the emotionless look in her eyes it's like she never experienced true happiness i sighed i know that's why we gotta help her by being there for her and by protecting her i know but i think it has to do with her family so you think her family is the reason for her being emotionless yes i do you do remember what i told you about naomi's brother right hizashi she was lying to you so she wouldn't have to talk to me then how do we get her to talk to us i don't know mic i don't know let's just get back to our classes we can talk more about this later alright
Back to naomi's pov
I walked into class one-A and sat down i also put my head down my thoughts were racing saying 'they know who you are now' 'they hate you' 'your classmates don't care about you' 'your mother was right' 'assassins don't need friends' 'you'll just end up hurting them' then i heard kirishima ask hey are you alright naomi your shaking y-yea i'm fine i said trying to keep my composure can you look at us mina asked n-no AND WHY NOT i heard bakugou's explosions go off which made me jump and start shaking more bakugou stop your making her worse momo yelled i picked up my face and everyone saw the tears going down my face why are you crying naomi jiro asked i-i-it won't s-s-stop what won't stop denki asked m-m-my t-t-thoughts t-t-they won't s-s-stop r-r-r-racing then momo came over to me picked me up and held me while she sat in my seat y-y-you d-d-don't h-h-have to p-p-pick me u-u-up its ok i wanted to i hate to see you cry momo rubbed circles in my back with one hand while the other one played with my hair then she started humming which started making me sleepy th-thank y-you momo i then passed out
Momo's pov
I felt naomi go limp after saying thank you i smiled she looked so cute when sleeping i felt everyone glaring at me but i didn't care all i cared about is seeing naomi happy then mr.aizawa walked in he looked at all of us and said why is naomi asleep oh well she was panicking/freaking out so momo decided to calm her down kirishima said
Aizawa's pov
I sighed i wasn't mad at them for calming her down i was actually proud of them for being there for her i just didn't like the fact momo was holding her well do any of you know where she lives cause no one at ua does they all shook their heads no then iida raised his hand yes iida um well when me uraraka and deku were walking home with naomi two men were following us that we later found out was her older brother and his boyfriend and then she walked away with them before we could see her house i sighed again ok well momo find naomi's phone and bring it to me huh why mr.aizawa uraraka asked cause i don't have her parents phone numbers so i need to look in her phone to at least find one of her family members number so someone can pick her up ok got it mr.aizawa momo said
Momo's pov
I looked to see if her phone was on her desk it wasn't then i checked her pockets it wasn't there either i then picked up her bag it wasn't there but there was a computer where the hell is it i thought i then looked at her cleavage i blushed deep red i can't believe i'm doing this i thought i stuck my hand in her bra and quickly took out the phone i was surprised she didn't wake up jiro can you give naomi's phone mr.aizawa sure she said she grabbed the phone from me and then walked over to mr.aizawa's desk and handed it to him
Aizawa's pov
Thank you jiro she sat back down i turned on naomi's phone to my surprise she didn't have a password which made things much easier the wallpaper she had on her phone had two boys and one girl the girl was around the age of 5

(Thats the picture he saw)i'm guessing that's her brothers and her when they were younger i went to her contacts there were a few numbers but there were two that caught my eye one said big brother illumi and the other one said big brother milluki ...

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(Thats the picture he saw)
i'm guessing that's her brothers and her when they were younger i went to her contacts there were a few numbers but there were two that caught my eye one said big brother illumi and the other one said big brother milluki i didn't know the other numbers and i didn't want to call the wrong person so i called the one that says illumi it rang then i heard
Illumi-hello naomi
Aizawa- sorry this is actually naomi's teacher
Illumi-did something happen to my sister
Aizawa-nothing bad just one of my students had to calm her down and now she's asleep and we don't know where you live
Illumi-oh then i'll come pick her up 'can i come to' i heard someone yell in the background i heard the boy sigh yes you can come with me i'll be there soon to pick her up then he hung up ok class naomi's brother and somebody else will be here to pick her up i already told nezu about them mr.aizawa yes kirishima i don't think naomi should go home whys that idk i just feel like something bad is going to happen to her once she gets home i sighed don't worry kirishima she will be just fine and she knows to come to me if someone hurts her then there was knock on the door come in i said two men walked in one looked like he came straight out of the circus and the other one looked exactly like naomi but with black eyes and black hair he must be illumi where is my sister he asked momo's holding her momo raised her hand hisoka go grab my sister he said alright the other one said so what's both of your names i asked i'm illumi naomi's my sister and that's hisoka him and my sister are close then the guy called hisoka walked over to illumi she doesn't have her phone on her he said to him oh that's because i have it i used it to call illumi i told him i then handed naomi's phone to illumi well thank you for calling us our mother started getting worried well bye they then both left i don't trust them bakugou said
Illumi's pov
I don't trust those kids in her class i said me either illu but let her be don't act like you did with killua when he left home i won't hisoka its just the boys oh so this is your overprotective side your brother was talking about shut up we got in naomi's car i was driving of course *once they got home* we got out of the car and went inside once we shut the door my mother ran up to us is naomi ok did someone hurt her no mother no one hurt her she's just asleep oh well i'm glad she's ok well when she wakes up i need to talk to her my eyes widen she's going to ask her and if naomi lies she'll get whipped ok mother i'll tell her i walked away from mother and went up the stairs me and hisoka went to milluki's room what do you need illumi he said can i lay naomi on your bed sure but why can't she sleep in her room because mothers going to ask naomi questions and if she lies mother will whip her so she needs to be in here for safety he asked yes then yea lay her down on my bed shut the door and put that sign on the outside of my door he told me ok hisoka put naomi on milluki's bed i grabbed a sign that said stay out if you don't want to be traumatized and put it on the outside of his door and then we both left and shut the door
Milluki's pov
I paused my game and turned to look at my sister i hope your not stressing yourself out i thought i saw it was getting late so i turned off my computer and laid with my sister then i fell asleep

She's an assassin becoming a hero yandere bnha x ocWhere stories live. Discover now