Hero interning part two (training with hawks)

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The next morning
Naomi's pov
When i woke up i noticed i had hawks wings wrapped around me i was confused and then i remembered i had a nightmare so i calmed down then he woke up hey babybird you hungry i shook my head awesome i'll go get some food for us then after we eat i will train you o-ok i got off of him he then left to get the food i sat on the couch i turned on the tv but i couldn't pay attention because the voices wouldn't stop 'he doesn't care' 'your mother and father aren't actually going to change' 'your becoming weak' '1-A doesn't care about you' 'your family wouldn't miss you if you died' 'it would be better if you weren't ever born' i then got up and headed towards the bathroom 'the heroes never even saved you or your siblings' 'aizawa and all might would be better if you weren't in class 1-A' 'shinso's just using you just like your mother did' i then found a razor blade 'everyone would be happier if you weren't alive' i started cutting not realizing hawks came back
Hawks pov
I came back from getting food for us when i noticed she wasn't in the living room something inside me told me somethings wrong i put the food down and started calling her name she didn't respond then i saw the bathroom door open that's when the feeling got worse so i ran towards the bathroom i was not prepared to see naomi cutting herself i quickly took the razor from her and threw it she tried getting it but i quickly grabbed her she was crying and screaming it's ok naomi you're safe now i won't let the voices control you i hugged her she was crying into my chest once she calmed down i got up and put her on the couch i'll be right back babybird i walked away and got the first aid kit i came back i sat in front of her can i see your wrist babybird she held out both of her wrist there were so many and so much blood i did her right wrist first i cleaned the blood and then cleaned the cuts then i wrapped her wrist in gauze then i went to her left wrist i did the same thing i did with the right one after that i picked her up and put her on my lap and held her do you want to talk about it she shook her head no ok you don't have to but i have to tell eraserhead i felt her tense up i sighed i know you don't want him knowing but he has to so he knows to keep an eye on you ok babybird she sighed o-ok good now do you wanna eat she shook her head yes so i got up grabbed the food and put it infront of us we both ate i noticed naomi didn't eat that much but i wasn't going to force her to eat more once we were done eating we threw everything away hey kid you still wanna train or do you want to do that tomorrow i-i want t-to t-t-train today ok well then lets go we went to the training area [after training] i noticed naomi was tired so i picked her up and put her on the couch again i took out my phone and called eraserhead he answered
Hawks-you're not going to like what i'm about to tell you
Aizawa-what is it
Hawks-um well i was getting food for naomi and me
Aizawa-uh huh
hawks-and when i walked in i didn't see her in the living room and i got a bad feeling
Aizawa-what happened to my student hawks
Hawks-i ran to the bathroom and she
aizawa-SHE WHAT
Hawks-she was cutting herself
Eraserhead got silent
Aizawa-i-is she ok
Hawk-yea i stopped her in time and i took care of her wounds
Aizawa-well thanks for taking care of her now i have to inform mic and midnight to watch over her
Hawks-your welcome also don't tell class 1-A about it
aizawa- i wasn't going to
Hawks-and aizawa i would tell her family so they can watch her
Aizawa-i know i'll call her brother so he can tell his family
Hawk-alright well i'll let you get back to what you're doing bye eraserhead
Aizawa-bye hawks
I hung up the phone and laid down with naomi

She's an assassin becoming a hero yandere bnha x ocWhere stories live. Discover now