Usj attack part one

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Naomi's pov
I woke up in milluki's room i made sure to be careful to not wake him then i ran to my room got dressed and ran down stairs to see illumi and hisoka in the kitchen hey btw i don't feel like eating right now so i'll eat at ua alright but if you don't eat there come home quickly and eat something um ok illu i got my keys from my brother i then got in the car and drove to ua quickly because i had a feeling something bad was going to happen while i was driving to ua i saw all might stopped three crimes *once she got to ua* i went inside ua and went to class 1-A once i walked i sat down Today's training will be a little bit different You'll have three instructors me all might and another faculty member Will be keeping tabs on you sero then raised his hand Sir what kind of training is this Rescue you'll be dealing with Natural disasters shipwrecks stuff like that everyone started getting excited about training but i just rolled my eyes not caring that much Guys I'm not finished yet What you wear in this exercise is up to you I know you're excited about costumes But keep in mind You haven't gotten used to them yet And they might limit your abilities This special training Is at a off campus Facilities so we'll be taking a bus to get there That's all start getting ready the only thing i put on from my hero costume was my headset once i got that on i met everyone at the bus iida blew a whistle and yelled Gather around class 1-A Using your student number Form two neat lines So we can load the bus efficiently i rolled my eyes again we all got on the bus but not how iida wanted us to then i got this feeling telling me to stay next to aizawa at all times mr.aizawa can i sit with you i don't do well with sitting in the middle of two people yea sure kid i don't see why not he said so i got in the passenger's seat next to him somehow no one noticed me wait where's naomi i don't see her on the bus iida said but she was with us when we were getting on izuku said mr.aizawa i think we forgot naomi iida said calm down we didn't leave her she's just sitting next to me because she didn't want to sit in the middle of two people i turned around and waved yup i'm right here why are you sitting with mr.aizawa and not with us tsyu asked oh well i get anxiety when i'm in the middle of two people so i asked him if i can sit here and he said yes i turned back around to the front and they went back to talking to each other not hearing me and aizawa's conversation is that the only reason you didn't want to sit with them no it's also because they can get really loud sometimes and i rather peace and Quiet and i know you like the same thing so i thought sitting here is better and it is well i'm glad you like sitting here with me i can tell we were getting close to the place because the feeling of something bads going to happen was getting worse mr.aizawa yes naomi can i please stay by your side please um sure you can
Aizawa's pov
Whats wrong with naomi i've never seen her like this not that i have a problem with her staying by my side the whole day but why today
Back to naomi's pov
Aizawa then stood up and said hey hey were here stop messing around we all got out of the bus i still stayed near aizawa when we got out of the bus there was a person in a spacesuit type thing standing in front of the bus Hello everyone i've been waiting for you everyone got excited i didn't see the big deal though I can't wait to show you what's inside we walked inside the place was huge Holy crap it looks like some kind of amusement park kirishima said in amazement a shipwreck a landslide a fire a windstorm ect I've created this training facility To prepare you to deal with Different types of disasters I call it the unforeseen simulation joint but you can call it usj i walked over to the pro hero with aizawa they both thought i wasn't paying attention to their conversation but i was Hey shouldn't all might to be here already Let me guess he booked an interview instead Actually it's something else Apparently he did too much see hero work On the way to school this morning the hero then held up three fingers And used up all his power He's resting in the Teachers Lounge that man is the height of Irresponsibility Clocks ticking we should get started Excellent before we begin let me just Say one thing well maybe two things Possibly three or four or five do i have to listen to what the hero is saying i asked mr.aizawa no if you don't want to you don't have to he told me so i put on music until the hero was done talking once the hero was done talking i turned off my music and payed attention right now that's over then all of a sudden the lights turned off and a purple portal appeared i still stayed close to aizawa stay together and don't move thirteen protect the students what is that thing people then started coming out of the portal wait has the training started already i thought we were rescuing people izuku went to move stay back i yelled i saw mr.aizawa put on his goggles please let me help you i'll make sure to stay out of your way and not get hurt just let me help until the other heroes arrive he sighed you can help just don't get hurt i won't i promise i then turned on my information scanner and this is what i got
Name-tomura shigaraki
Quirk-warp gate
Guys this is real those are villains The only real heroes I see are thirteen And Eraserhead Perplexing according to the schedule we've Retrieved from UA All might should be here as well So you scumbags Used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus Where is he I went through the trouble Of bringing so many friends Who were eager to meet him They want all might the great symbol of peace I can't believe he's not here Maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come out to play that's when my blood lust came out i also saw how aizawa's scarf was i heard my classmates talking but i couldn't really hear them thirteen get them out of here and alert the main campus Actually if They got the ability to block our sensors Then they might be jamming our regular Communications kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school naomi's going to help me fight them What are you gonna do You can't fight them on your own and neither can Naomi there's too many of them even if you can nullify there quirks your fighting style is not suited for this and naomi doesn't have a fighting style yet Your power works best In stealth and one-on-one fights it's not going to help with a group You can't be a pro if you only have one trick i'll leave it to you thirteen i rolled my eyes and said have faith in me izuku i know how to fight in any kind of situation trust me i know what i'm doing then i jumped in the fight with aizawa i activated one of my quirks called nullification then i made my hands into claws and i slashed the villains in the stomach if they got near me i saw mr.aizawa still fighting when i knew he was ok i continued what i was doing what i didn't notice was a certain blue haired villain watching me in surprise
Shigaraki's pov
How in the hell is she just standing there even when one of the villains ran up to her she just slashes them like this is normal for her and why does she look so emotionless
Back to naomi's pov
I looked and saw my classmates running towards the exit then the portal guy Appeared right in front of them i thought they were going to be ok because thirteen was with them but when i looked at them a second time i see kurogiri surrounding my classmates no i screamed i started running over to them but it was to late he already separated them so i continued helping aizawa i then saw thirteen sucking in kurogiri i felt kinda relieved and continued helping aizawa in the corner of my eye i saw izuku tsuyu and mineta they better not interfere i thought then i saw shigaraki running towards aizawa shit he was able to punch the villain but shigaraki had aizawa's elbow held by all of his fingers then i saw aizawa's hair go down no i thought i saw his elbow start to decay that's when i started running up to shigaraki he didn't notice me because how quiet i was when i ran and when i got close i kicked shigaraki in the stomach to get him away from aizawa then i stood in front of aizawa in a protective stance you think you can protect him or protect your class your just a kid thinking they can be a hero like all might i growled aw did i hit a nerve little hero your fucking wrong i will protect him and i will protect my classmates no matter what even if i gotta risk my life oh is that so then i heard aizawa yell kid move now but before i could move my head got smashed on the ground but i didn't feel any pain but then i felt the thing sit on me it was also holding my arm and holding my other shoulder down what do you think of him little hero he is the bio engineered anti symbol of peace but you can call him nomu let her go she has nothing to do with this i-it's fine as long as you and the others are ok then the nomu broke my whole arm i wanted to scream but since i was trained to endure torture i didn't now wheres the symbol of peace i don't know and even if i did i woulden't tell you then the nomu broke my other arm again i didn't scream which confused aizawa and shigaraki what the hell you should be screaming and you should be in pain shigaraki said i smiled and started laughing like my brother illumi you think i won't go down without a fight i won't let you hurt my teacher or my classmates i said with a crazed look then the nomu gripped onto my head and smashed it into the ground i knew izuku tsuyu mineta were watching tomura shigaraki kurogiri did you manage to kill thirteen The rescue hero is out of commission But there were students I wasn't able To disperse and one of them Got outside of the facility i could hear him scratching his neck There's no way we can win if Dozens of pros shows up To stop us it's game over Back to the title screen And I was looking forward to finishing this today dammit lets go home i sighed in relief Oh before we leave Let's make sure the symbol of peace is broken let's wreak his pride let's make this hurt i lifted my head and saw he was aiming for tsuyu don't you touch her you bastard but he ignored me and still aimed for her i was trying to get out of the nomu's hold but it wasn't working but as soon as he touched her aizawa activated his quirk so she was ok then my head got smashed into the ground again and i guess izuku tried to attack shigaraki cause the nomu got off of me i looked up and saw the nomu grab izuku's that's when i tried to get up but i couldn't then all of a sudden all might burst through the door and said have no fear students i am here looks like our game is getting a continue

She's an assassin becoming a hero yandere bnha x ocNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ