Usj attack part two

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I couldn't shake the feeling That something had gone wrong here when aizawa and thirteen didn't answer my calls so i hurried over running into young iida along the way he told me of the villainy at work here have no fear students because i am here the villains went to attack him but he was faster he came over and picked me up being very careful i'm sorry naomi i should've been here then he picked up aizawa izuku mineta and tsuyu and moved us to the other side everybody back to the entrance and take naomi with you she doesn't have much time aizawa then picked me up stay with me naomi were going to get you help he told me but i couldn't stop myself from closing my eyes next thing i know i woke up in a hospital i saw most of class one-A aizawa all might present mic i sat up then mic saw me he gasped she's awake he said i was confused why he gasped everyone sat closer to me then i remembered why i would be here is everyone ok i asked with no emotion everyone's ok naomi no one died aizawa told me good i'm glad everyone's ok but your not smiling kirishima said in fact i don't think any of us have seen you smile denki added trust me i'm glad now did any of ya'll call my family everyone shook their head no i sighed great here comes 21 questions from my siblings i picked up my phone from the table next to me and called illumi he answered
Illumi-hello naomi
Naomi-hey illumi um can you come to the hospital and bring milluki killua allkua and kalluto with you don't tell mother and father ok bye i said quickly and hung up i knew that would make my siblings worry but i didn't want to hear all the questions they were going to ask are you sure he understood you jiro asked yea he will understand he's basically my twin except we don't look the same are you ok little listener mic asked yea why because both of your arms are broke and your head got smashed into the ground and your acting like everythings ok bakugou screamed i sighed don't worry about it then all of a sudden illumi and hisoka bursted through the door illumi then screamed is my little sister ok illu hiso i'm right here once they saw me they ran up to me and hugged me i hugged them back i'm ok illu hiso i'm here i then saw milluki killua allkua and kalluto run in here as well they then ran over to me got on the bed and also hugged me guys i'm ok they all then let go of me milluki and kalluto got off the bed but killua and allkua stayed next to me little flower why do you have two broken arms i could feel illumi's hisoka's killua's milluki's and kalluto's bloodlust guys calm down it was just a villain that decided to mess with the wrong class and i got hurt protecting them that's all it's not like i can feel the pain i heard my classmates and teachers gasp we know but you could've died baka killua said to me onee-chan please don't die i'll be ok alluka i'm not going to die i promise now when am i aloud to leave this stupid hospital oh the lady said she just needs a gardian to sign you out then you can leave iida said do you wanna sign her out hisoka or do you want me to well she is your sister so you go ahead and do it ok i'll be back naomi ok illu-chan illumi left the room hisoka sat on the bed with me so are these your siblings naomi mic asked yea but hisoka is illumi's boyfriend milluki's the second oldest i'm the third oldest are you really ok naomi hisoka asked my lip then started quivering he noticed and brought me into another hug i hugged him back but i didn't want to let go of him do you want to sleep with me and illumi tonight i shook my head yes ok i'll tell him we let go of each other the cast started getting itchy milluki killua can you two help me take off the cast yea sure sis yea i can wait if you take those cast off your going to feel a lot of pain izuku said i sighed just watch killua took out the pocket knife that i gave to him at christmas and he cut through the cast once he was done he ripped the cast off for me milluki did the same thing my arms were scared but not to much i stretched my arms and when i did i heard them both pop there it is i said hisoka can you take off the bandages for me sure anything for you my little rose he took the bandages off i looked in the mirror and saw a scar under my eye huh i guess it looks cool naomi how can you be so calm you could've died izuku said well i didn't and everyone else is alive that's all that matters
Aizawa's pov
does she really not care for herself and only other people why did she have to protect me i'm the hero not her she wasn't supposed to get hurt i was supposed to be her hero
Present mic's pov
Why did it have to be her though she's supposed to be a kid not a hero at least not yet me and sho are suppose to protect her
Back to naomi's pov
Illumi then came back in he was about to say something but then hisoka whispered in his ear when he was done illumi said come on naomi we can go home now can you carry me i'm still kinda tired that's because it's 12:00 pm iida said dame i was out that long i said in a monotone voice illumi then picked me up come on we gotta go before mother father and grandfather noticed we left alright by guys we left the hospital you can fall asleep if you want naomi illumi told me which i did end up falling asleep
In the middle of the night
Naomi's pov
I was having a nightmare about the usj but instead it was aizawa under that nomu and shigaraki saying how weak of a hero in training i was and how i can never be a hero only an assassin that's when i woke up screaming hisoka and illumi quickly sat up and started comforting me hey its ok little rose your safe no one can hurt you and i'm here to little sis and big brothers not going to leave until you want me to killua milluki and kalluto walked into illumi's room is she ok we heard her scream milluki asked she's ok it's just a nightmare illumi said you guys can go we got this hisoka said n-no s-s-stay p-p-please i said wanting them to not leave we'll stay naomi milluki said milluki killua and kalluto got in the bed we all cuddled together and i fell back to sleep

She's an assassin becoming a hero yandere bnha x ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang