AMAGUJI BRAINROT (Rantaro x Korekiyo)

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(Korekiyo POV)

"*sigh*" I put my phone in my back pocket and rested on the bench near the bus stop. I took out my wallet in search of at least 2 dollars to pay to get on the bus. If I had not 2 dollars I would have to walk home and I don't think I have that kind of energy right now. All I had found was 2 dollars and 96 cents... I had spent almost all my money on my travels, but nonetheless I was broke. I laid my head back and listened to the sound of tires screeching on the road, people chattering amongst themselves, and the rain splashing onto the ground, whilst I sat enduring the rain hitting atop my head. I had made sure it'd not rain nor snow today, but I guess the weather reporters couldn't be correct one hundred percent of the time. I had closed my eyes and relied solely on my ears to tell when the bus would come.

I heard a screeching of tires come from right in front of me. I decided to open my eyes just in case it was the bus, because missing it would be a tragedy waiting to happen. I opened my eyes, a bus standing afront me. I arised from my seat and pulled out the 2 dollars I had stuffed in my pocket. I stepped onto the bus giving the bus driver 2 dollars. Or what I had thought was 2 dollars. "H-hey kid- This is too much money for a bus ride. Yer only need to pay 2 dollars, not 102 dollars!" I turned my head and walked to him questionably. I had not known I gave him an extra 100 dollars, but what I wondered was why he told me. He could have kept the money in secret, but he instead told me about it and gave me the money back.

How strange. How very very strange. "I apologize sir." I said, bowing to him. I raised my head and sat in the first empty spot I'd seen. A small girl stared at me. She had chartreuse colored hair tied in a small ponytail with a red ribbon, a small red bow clip sitting atop her head, a grey colored knee-length dress with stripes surrounding it. She sat swinging her legs back and forth humming a song. "Hey you! You look weird. Why are you wearing that mask? Why do you have long hair if you're a boy?" She threw her questions at my face nonchalantly with her finger poking into her cheek. A boy who appeared to be her brother slapped his hand over her mouth and whispered to her angrily, "Monaca! You don't talk like that to strangers! Or anybody!" I chuckled under my breath while he shushed her off. He took his hand off her mouth and scratched the back of his neck. He chuckled, and said sorry. "No, it is fine. I am used to these types of questions." I responded to his apology. "Yeah I am really sorry about that... Oh uhm my name is Rantaro. Nice to meet you."

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