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"Fine just go! I don't want to hear another word. Here's your ring. I hate you." I yelled as I threw our engagement ring at him. I've had enough. I am sick of this, sick of what I have to deal with while I am with him,  sick of everything. These random undefined feelings and thoughts that filled my body are so irritating. I feel it all the time with Matthew now, it wasn't like this at the beginning but our relationship just got worse over time.

"Why can't you understand that I'm doing all of this for you? I work so hard so we can have the wedding that you deserve" he said moving his hands, swinging it back and forth while blabbering excuses why he leaves all the time and how he's too busy for me. He pushed his hair back as he finished his words and got closer to me in a desperate move for any physical contact between us, but I won't let this happen.

"Wedding?! what wedding are you talking about? I've had enough. I can't stand you anymore. This is it." I yelled at him again pushing him away from me. He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed then grabbed his shoes to put them on and go out. 

"Ah I'm leaving until you calm down" he said waving it off and walking away making his way to the street, he snatched his jacket off of the hanger and put it on to go, just as expected. After all that's how he deals with our problems, running away from them. All what I can say that our life together is a big circle we just keep doing the same things hopelessly.

"No! leave and don't come back"  I said while he was walking away, I kicked the chair beside me throwing whatever that was in my hand. I felt so irritated that it'll end up again like this. We fight because of the same things every time we even say the same words. 

"I didn't finish yet! Wait" I yelled again as I realized that it can't end up like this. This is too much, I have to do something! for how long will we keep running? I felt so suffocated I just can't bear it anymore I feel so bad about myself right now. This is idiotic. I can't bear it. I need something ... I just .... I ..... I need a change. A tear found its way down my cheek as I leaned to get the ring.


I wore my skinny jeans, a white shirt along with a converse. I searched for my leather jacket, it's mid February now and it is quite cold although spring is around the corner. I found it on the floor next to my bed I wore it then got out and slammed the door.

Spring .... Why is the word still ringing in my head?

"spring" I muttered. Ah, I remember now. It was in spring back then. That was my last time I ever drew designs. Wow, it is been a year now huh? I remember being in the nearby public park. The breeze was nice and I was sitting down drawing something when that kid came and gave me a flower. He was so nice and had a surprisingly warm eyes for a kid. Why am I remembering this?

"Uh it's so cold." I said wrapping my jacket tighter around me trying to prevent cold air as hard as I can. I was heading to Karen's house to calm down, she has her way with me knowing how to relax me maybe because of the incredible patience she has. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I glimpsed a guy leaning on a motorbike. I'm not the kind to notice and stare at people around me, but he .... he had quite the presence. A brown hair that started dark then it got lighter at the ends of the locks. It has many shades of brown that looked so beautiful mixed together, light brown eyes, and finally a tall nice figure. He had a big smirk on his face as his eyes were chasing me so I just sighed and looked away. I would have called him my type if it wasn't for the stupid look on his face. And off course  if I wasn't engaged too ... That comes second haha.

"What a weirdo" I said walking away.

"I'd call myself something else but weirdo fits too" my heart sank as I turned around to face that guy, these brown orbs and thick eyelashes. My gaze darted to his pink well defined lips, I took few moments to realize what was happening and to study his face that was easy to see each of its features as it was just few centimeters between both of our faces. It's the guy that was leaning on the motorbike.

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