Going Back

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"I think you'll wake up for this" Karen said then I looked at the one at my door, I gasped more air as I saw the figure, for real?!!

"Shocked?" His husky voice caught me off guard. I cleared my throat then looked at Karen questioningly.

"H-he is Daniel, your best friend" Karen looked confused and her statement looked more like a question. Then she continued, "he told me that it's been a while since you saw each other and he wanted to meet you badly"

"I'm sure that happiness is what held her tongue" he said, my breathes were caught in my throat, I must be dreaming, there's no way in hell that this could be happening, where are you Justin? At this very moment I felt the insecurity of not being with Justin. Daniel is in my room.

Be like Justin. Be like Justin! As Karen left the room and closed the door, it's dark now. I remained silent I tried as hard as I can to be expressionless and to show no fear in my eyes. What am I gonna do?

"My best friend?" I rose an eyebrow, keep calm, this must be easy. everything is good. oh god I'll freak out.

His figure remained next to the door, away from me, he rested his back on the wall, Daniel is an attractive guy, no doubt but he's almost as scary as Justin.

"Should I tell her who I really am?" He said quietly, my mind was everywhere, why is he here? What does he want and what will he do? I don't know what to say next, god Silver! Keep calm, find something be cold and say something. Stab him with words!

"Are you here to show off your attitude?" I finally said maybe not the smartest thing to say but that's my best now. He chuckled quietly then looked at me, until now there's still a fine distance between us I hope it remains like that.

"Is the showing off working? Are you fascinated so far?" He said with a smirk, the weird thing is that I'm starting to feel comfortable around him, not starting to like him but I don't feel he's doing anything to me at least not today.

"You're pretty much boring and not unique in anything, not amazed by a single detail. Still a copy of a lot of guys I've seen recently" woah! Okay I said that and I don't know how or why but I said, the words seemed to shock him but he remained the cold expressions, I swallowed hard.

"Maybe I'm like most of the bad guys you recently met but babe, you should know that I'm the original and they're coping me. Hun, I'm much worse" he smirked then be bit his lower lip. why the hell are the lights still off? Why didn't Karen switch them in before going out?! Great now he'll kill me without me seeing him.

Only the light from the window lit the room, it helped me to see few things from a certain angle and this isn't really helping in this situation.

"Would you mind switching the lights on?" I asked as polite as I can so he'd be a gentleman and light it for me.

"Why? Do you fear dark? Or do you fear not seeing me because of it?" Well pretty much I fear both but I'm not telling that! Think Silver! Say something smart!

Shit! What's that? He's moving!!! Oh god oh god!! Act dead and he'll go! What the f*ck I'm saying?! He's not a f*cking bear!

I felt the mattress being dipped and his breathes is near me, if he's setting on the bed, why can't I see him?!!

"Maybe because your eyes are closed? You know sometimes people don't see when they close their eyes" he whispered to me with his husky voice, wow how smart Sil! I closed my eyes and spoke my mind unconsciously! Brilliant!

I opened my eyes to brunette guy with a staring blue eyes.

"You have a massive and beautiful eyes, you know that?"

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