Back to the family

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*Next morning.

I woke up late as I slept nearly at 6:00am, Silver wasn't beside me ... I made my steps downstairs and passed by other rooms to check on Keith and Raymond but they're already gone I reached to the bathroom downstairs to wash my face after brushing my teeth I looked up at the mirror to find Silver standing behind me with a smiley face and a towel, I love seeing her face in the morning, her smile makes my day.

"Goooood morning!" She said cheerfully extending the towel to dry my face I was already smiling because of her funny face expressions.

"Good morning, lil gurl" I said after she removed the towel making forward move for a kiss I wrapped my hands around her waist and closed the inch of space between us, it was a short sweet kiss, just as a beginning for our morning.

I smiled at her while she blushed and looked away.

"Ah ... the breakfast is ready" she said slipping herself out of my hands in a light move, I love her shy side it keeps the innocent emotions around.

"I thought about other breakfast but sure!" As I said that, she trembled in her own cloth as she heard me I couldn't stop myself from laughing loudly.

When I look at her I can forget my past I only see my present and my future and with her it's a bright one, it's really great to have a person that makes you think that you have the world, that makes you say, what could I ask for more ? ... I helped her out to the table to avoid any other accidents.

"So you found Robin?" She asked sipping her drink.

"No" I said quietly, I didn't want to talk more about it, it gets on my nerves, Robin means a lot to me, my family is my everything and to see my only baby brother getting into a path I wished I've never got into is just ... horrible.

Silver looked in my eyes, she's doing her routine, studying every single change in my face ... she knows how to get deeper in others feeling but she doesn't know that she does that.

"Ah okay ... there was a message you got yesterday I don't know much about it and I didn't reply all I know is that there is a female called Ella" she said looking at me for more information.

"Yeah I know" I said smiling, driving her crazy is like my new hobby now, I wish I can record a video of her face whenever I don't explain something, she starts to think hard trying to realize what is happening even though it doesn't work most of the times, it's just an impossible thing for someone to know what I want to hide but Silver taught me that she isn't just normal someone.

"Oh" she sighed.

"I want you to meet someone and what about spending few days out?"

I said, the invitation got in its right time I wanted to stay away for a while just to keep Silver away from any bad thing will happen these days since Daniel is here.

I was eating then I could feel her staring at me, at the beginning she was just staring for a while then look back at her food but now she just stare at me with out looking away, I looked at her with a smile.

"I wanna know you, Justin" she whispered desperately looking back down at the food I think she said it just speaking her mind, I frowned I didn't know what she wants to hear, I hate how she makes me so weak and confused ... being so weak in front of a fragile figure such as Silver is really weird, my feelings for her are indescribable it's something that I've never felt before ... why?.

"Well I'm Justin Bieber I'm 23 years old and ... " I said getting closer to her then I whispered near her ear "and I think you're so beautiful" she giggled as I placed a soft kiss on her neck smelling her hair, the smell of her hair is so unique as well as her own smell.

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