Jevon- panic attacks suck

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Little space

Little- Jake

Prompt- Jake and Devon are in class. Jake is stressed slips in class. so devon take Jake home but haft way thought the walk Jake has a panic attack. Devon comfort him then takes him home and cubbles him.

Jake was in class and was very stressed out because the class before he had a test and got it back and got a very bad score. So he was slowly slipping into little space, he tried his best to not go into his headspace but failed. Jake tturned to look at his caregiver aka Devon Evens.

"I wanna go home, I'm small." Jake mouths.

Devon quickly raised his hand and the teacher called on him.

"Can i take Jake to the nurse, he said he does not feel good." Devon says.

The teacher nodded his head, yeah. Devon got up grabbed his and Jake bag, grabbed Jakes hand and walked his out of the classroom. They got to the bathroom and climbed out of the window that was always unlocked for so reason. They were walking  away from the school, Devon was still holding Jakes hand.

"Are you okay baby, why did you go small?" Devon asked, as he continued walking. He got no reply, he turned to see Jake looking at his feet, crying and his breathing got faster.

Devon stopped walking and turned and hugged Jake. Jake then just broke down. Devon was just comforting him, holding him close. Jake legs then just cave in, Devon slowly brought Jake to his knees and Devon was sitting on his knees in front of him. Devon was trying to calm Jake down, nothing was working, so Devon started to hum a song to Jake. Jake slowly started to calm down. Jake moved to be laying down beside Devon with his head on the others boys thigh. Devon started to play with Jake hair.

"I know baby, panic attacks suck." Devon said.

Jake slowly nodded his head, his eyes started to close.

"You can't fall asleep out here, we will freeze." Devon said, making the other boys giggle.

"Come on, let's go back to my house and we can cuddle, how does that sound?" Devon continued, smiling at the small nodded he got.

Devon got up of the ground, helping Jake get up and started to walk home. For the rest of the day, Devon took very good care of his little.


This has been in my draft for a while so I finally edited it and posted it, hope you enjoyed reading

Bye bye my little gay starz💅

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