Baby- JJ

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Aaliyah took a deep breath in, pulling her hoodie further over her head. She walked briskly through a particular aisle at the chemist. She scanned the racks of products, desperately trying to find the pregnancy tests.
Never in her life did she think she'd be 17 and taking a pregnancy test- children was always something she wanted much later in life.

She quickly grabbed a handful of different branded tests and made her way to pay for them.
So many different emotions and thoughts swirled inside of her.
The biggest one however was how will JJ react?
She couldn't possibly tell him- if she was pregnant it would ruin his life. He definitely had no intentions of being a father that's for sure.
"Is everything ok miss?" The cashier asked with raised eyebrow.

Aaliyah blushed realising she had zoned out at the registers.
"Oh yes- uhh just these ones. please."

After paying for the tests Aaliyah wasted no time in getting home, she thanked her lucky stars that her parents where never home so they weren't something she needed to worry about at the moment.

Aaliyah chewed on her nails anxiously, staring at the many tests placed on the bathroom sink. The short amount of time she had to wait seemed like hours, it was like time slowed down on purpose just to fuck with her even more.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Aaliyah quickly picked up the tests, turning them around so she could read what they said.
Her hands trembled as she held the small plastic stick in her hand.


Her heart sunk from her chest, she couldn't believe what she was reading.
She was really pregnant...
"FUCK!" She yelled out
Aaliyah threw the test to the ground, she let out a loud sob and fell to her knees. She hugged herself as she cried, burying her head deep into her knees.

She was only 17- so was JJ there was no way in hell either of them could look after a baby. Her eyes widened in realisation- JJ would leave her. The thought only made her sob harder, she knew she couldn't let anyone know besides her parents. She refused to ruin JJ's life- and a kid would do just that to him.

Aaliyah sucked in a deep breath and stood up from the ground, she picked up the now broken test and threw it in the garbage. She mentally prepared herself for both telling her parents and letting the love of her life go.


It was safe to say Aaliyah's parents were pissed, her mum didn't talk to her for a few hours and her dad was just in shock. They agreed that it was best for Aaliyah to live on the main land with her grandmother- at least there she had access to decent facilities and her baby could grow up with a good life and have opportunities. They did however disagree with Aaliyah's choice to not tell JJ.

"He deserves to know Lia." Her mum spoke softly

Aaliyah shook her head, "He'd just leave me anyway- and I can't make his life more difficult than it already is."

"What happens when he asks where you went? What are we supposed to tell him?" Her dad sassed

"The truth. That I'm living on the main land now."

Her mum rolled her eyes, "The truth would be that you're pregnant with his kid and you up and left without telling him."

"Ok look I'll tell him once I'm there ok!?" Aaliyah snapped in frustration.

Her parents gave her a disappointed look and left the conversation at that.


"Has anyone heard from Lia in the last few days I'm really worried." JJ stressed

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