Why Wont You Love Me?- Rafe

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Rafe stared at his shoes, kicking up sand as he aimlessly tried to pass time at this party on the Boneyard. Rafe almost never went to parties at the Boneyard, mostly because the majority of people that attended were teenagers from the Cut or over the top tourons.
It was definitely no secret that Rafe despised pogues- especially JJ, John B, Pope and Kiara.
However, Rafe found himself finding an exception for one in their group-Octavia, he had no idea why he liked her so much- after all she was a pogue and her best friends were all the pogues he hated the most.
And to be completely honest Octavia was the reason why he was at this stupid pogue party, he hoped he'd see her somewhere, he hoped that she'd come and talk to him even if it was a simple altercation.

Much to Rafe's dismay, Octavia rarely ever talked or interacted with him.
They used to talk a lot, they used to meet up, go on late night drives and talk for hours on end until the sun came up or until Octavia fell asleep on his shoulder.
Rafe pulled his phone out of his pocket, the screen lit up exposing the old photo of Octavia he had as his wallpaper.
Rafe frowned as the picture smiled up at him, for a moment it was like she was still with him- for a moment he felt like he wasn't so lonely and that she was reassuring him it'll all be ok.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

Rafe quickly shut off his phone, his eyes meeting with his sisters.
'Uh I'm here with Topper." He answered

Sarah nodded and placed her cup on the ground near her feet.
"So where's Top?"

"He's around here somewhere." Rafe shrugged

Sarah sighed, "I know you're here for Octavia Rafe. And its best if you don't do anything."

"I'm not planning on doing anything." Rafe lied

Sarah raised her eyebrow, not buying Rafe's shitty excuse.
"Bullshit Rafe."

Rafe narrowed his eyes at his sister, "I miss her- and I want what we used to have. I want to be able to call her mine!" Rafe exclaimed

"Yeah and why did that stop? Oh yeah- because you began to be an even bigger dick to our friends."

Rafe sighed and ran a hand through his hair, licking his lips in frustration.
"I just need to talk to her."

Sarah narrowed her eyes at her older brother, " Well that's the absolute opposite of what she wants- she just got over you Rafe."

Rafe opened his mouth to answer his sister, when his eyes landed on the beautiful girl he yearned to call his once again.
She stood against a tree, JJ and John B standing next to her- all of them laughing in midst of a conversation.
Rafe watched intently as JJ moved his arm around Octavia's waist, pulling her tightly into his side.
Rafe grit his teeth, his fists balling to his sides- he could of sworn he drew blood from the pressure of his nails digging into the palm of his hand.

"Rafe- its best if you go home." Sarah spoke

Rafe shook his head, ripping his eyes away from the couple.
"When the fuck did this happen?!" He growled, furiously pointing behind him.

"They're not together Rafe- they're just...messing around." Sarah sighed

"I'm going to go." Rafe muttered, storming off to his car.

"Rafe!" Sarah called out

Octavia stumbled across the beach, her drink spilling from her cup as it tipped to the side in her hand.
Octavia frowned as she reached Sarah, watching her call out to her brother.
"I'm sorry." Octavia mumbled

Sarah swung around, her eyes widening as she saw Octavia.
"Sorry? What for?" She asked

"Rafe left because of me right?"

Sarah frowned and wrapped her arm around Octavia's shoulder, "No no- he's just in an unpredictable Rafe mood at the moment."

Octavia nodded cautiously, "If you say so..."

"Look O, Rafe's just hurting at the moment-"

"Oh and I'm not?" Octavia snapped

Sarah's eyes widened, "That's not what I meant-"

"Forget it Sarah. I'll see you around." Octavia deadpanned, storming off as Rafe did only a few moments ago.

Rafe collapsed onto his bed in exhaustion, he couldn't seem to brush Octavia from his mind. No matter how desperately he tried every detail about her was stuck in his head, from her laugh to the colour painted on her toenails.
Rafe huffed and pulled his phone from his pocket, he quickly flicked it to airplane mode and set it on his night stand.
He shut his eyes, darkness now surrounding him- all he wanted was a moment where she wasn't clouding his mind.
However soon that darkness turned into the brightness of a memory from the beach with Octavia standing proudly in a dark red bikini. Her laugh echoed through his ears, her toothy grin on display as she danced around the beach.
Rafe stuck his hand out, desperately trying to reach for her for- but the more he tried to touch her the more she began to disappear.

"Octavia.." Rafe called out

Before he knew it her smile, her laugh- everything faded away and he was yet again left in the darkness of his own mind.

Octavia wiped her nose with the sleeve of her shirt, the cold crisp glass pressed against her cheek as she stared into the distance.
Her phone began to buzz for the third time within 10 minutes, Rafe had been trying to contact her for the past few days now but she couldn't bring herself to answer the texts and calls.
She'd hurt him too deeply.
Octavia initially left Rafe and their relationship because of his ongoing reckless behaviour towards her group of friends, but when Rafe was going through a rough time he needed her and she wasn't there for him. And that's something she deeply regretted.

"Octavia open the door!"

Octavia frowned in confusion, she lifted her head off the window and quickly stumbled to her feet.
Rafe stood in her yard, his pleading eyes staring up at her window.
Octavia pulled open the window, "Rafe what are you doing?"
"You won't answer my calls or texts! I had to come here to tell you how much I love you- I miss you and I haven't stopped missing you since the day we broke things off. Octavia your the only one for me and I can't pretend anymore, I can't pretend I don't have feelings for you still because well- they never left in the first place."

Octavia shook her head, "Rafe I-I can't...it all hurt too much. I hurt you too much."

Rafe ran his hand through his hair, he walked up to the front door and swung it open- inviting himself into her house.

"Rafe!" Octavia yelled, she turned away from the window- only to see Rafe already standing at her bedroom doorway.
He cautiously took a step closer towards Octavia, "What hurt more was not having you by my side Octavia- you've been the only person to ever understand me, to truly appreciate me door who I am. Baby if you look me in the eyes right now and say you don't love me anymore then, I'll leave and I'll let you move on."

Octavia sucked in a deep breath, hugging her arms tightly around her body.
Rafe was now standing much closer to her, she could practically feel his warm minty breath fanning her face.
"Just tell me- and I swear I'll leave right now." Rafe whispered

Octavia let out a small sob she didn't realise she was holding in, "I-I can't tell you that...because if I did then I'd be lying. I love you Rafe- and I'll never stop."

A grin broke across Rafe's face, the action causing butterflies to erupt in Octavia's stomach.
Rafe grabbed onto Octavia's arm, roughly pulling her into his chest as he crashed his lips onto hers.
Despite having kissed each other hundreds of times, this kiss felt like their very first.

Rafe slowly pried his lips away from hers, "Thank you for coming back to me."

"I never left." Octavia smiled sweetly.

One of the most frustrating things for me is when Rafe auto corrects to Rage everytime😂
Buttttt I hope you all enjoyed this new imagine- stay tuned for more to come!

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