Im Not Her- JJ

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Aaliyah sat on her porch curled up on a chair while she stared out at the beach ahead of her. Her phone was constantly going off, her friends trying to get her attention.
She'd made the choice of stepping back from her group of friends, it probably was a shitty thing to do but in her mind it seemed most logical.
It was no secret that she was in love with her best friend JJ, however he was in love with their other best friend Kiara.
Well that's what she assumed...
Lately JJ had been completely attached to Kiara, always flirting with her, ignoring Aaliyah, going off with Kiara by themselves- it absolutely broke Aaliyah.
She couldn't be around them- if JJ was happy with Kiara then she was happy for the both of them but needed time to accept it- she needed time to move on and not be around them. Not while she loves him so much.

Hey wanna come out on the boat?


Is something wrong? Apparently you're ignoring everyone?

Lia please?


Come out on the boat😡

What's wrong? I'll come over if you want me too?

Is everything ok? You don't need to explain I just want to know if you're ok and if you're not hurt

Babe I know your not ok and I'm coming over

Hey what's wrong? You haven't been answering anyone for days?!

Aaliyah sighed as she read the texts- she probably should let everyone know that she's ok. They're all clearly worried.
She answered everyone but JJ- letting them know she's ok and she's just not feeling well. She threw her phone next to her and flopped back into the chair letting her mind take her elsewhere.


"Guys Lia's ok she's just not feeling well." John B said
Sarah, Pope and Kiara nodded.
"Yeah we got a text too." Sarah mumbled

JJ raised an eyebrow, anger and confusion bubbled inside of him.
Why didn't he get a text? He's been more worried than all of them combined.

"Why the fuck didn't I get one?"

"She probably assumed you were with us- and she was right." Pope shrugged

JJ shook his head in frustration, "No- she texted ALL of you except me! I'm her best friend and she can't even flick me a text to say she's ok?! I'm closer to her than any of you are!"

"JJ just drop it ok cause now your getting personal." Sarah warned

"I'm going over there." JJ grunted

"No you're not! She is clearly wanting time alone so stop being selfish JJ! Just because you want an answer right now doesn't mean she needs to give you one." Kiara defended

"But she's clearly not fine!" JJ yelled

"JJ just calm down- we'll all go over to check on her later." John B said, pushing JJ back onto the couch.


Sarah had managed to sneak away from the group to go see Aaliyah, knowing she wasn't ok.

"What's been going on Lia?" Sarah asked in concern
Aaliyah sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "nothing I swear."

Sarah rose her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest, "I don't believe that for a second- you've clearly been avoiding JJ and he's definitely noticing it and he's hating every second of it."

Aaliyah felt her heart clench at Sarah's words- she didn't want to upset JJ she was just trying to protect herself from getting hurt.

"I'm fine I just...need time away from him." She whispered

"Did he do something? Cause I swear to go-"

"I love him..." she mumbled, cutting Sarah off.

Sarah's eyes widened, "What?"

"I love him but- he clearly doesn't love me he loves her."

"Whose her?" Sarah asked softly

"KIARA!" Aaliyah yelled
She let out a sob as tears poured from her eyes.

"He loves Kiara and I can't bare to be around them while I love him. I can't sit around and watch them flirt and making lovey dovey eyes at each other- I can't keep crying myself to sleep at night because I wish I was her.."

"Oh Lia..."
Sarah rushed to Aaliyahs side, enveloping her in her arms and hugging her close to her chest.

"I'm not her...and I never will be."


Sarah walked into the chateau, replaying her interaction with Aaliyah over and over in her head. There was so much she wished she'd said to Aaliyah while she poured her heart out- yet she was lost for words.
Everyone knew JJ loved Aaliyah- there was no way in hell he loved Kiara the way he did her.
But that was something only JJ could tell Aaliyah and it had to be now.

"Where did you go off to?" John B asked

"I went to check up on Aaliyah." Sarah said

"Is she ok?! What'd she say? She's not hurt is she?! Should I go see her?!" JJ rushed

How can Aaliyah not see how much this boy loves her?

"She's ok- she just wasn't feeling the best today. But JJ I think you- and only you should go see her."

Everyone gave her a look of confusion, "She's mad at JJ isnt she?" John B asked

Kiara glared at him and kicked his shin. John B let out a squeal and mumbled a sorry.
"Good one John B." Pope muttered

JJ quickly grabbed the keys to the van and rushed out the door making his way to Aaliyah's house. She was apparently definitely mad at him and JJ was more than determined to fix it. He hated when Aaliyah was upset- he hated it even more when he was the one she was upset at.
He didn't exactly know why she was upset with him but it must of been pretty bad if she avoided everyone for a good solid few days.

I should probably let her know I'm coming over- I don't wanna make her more pissed.

Hey I'm on my way over x

Sorry this one was a bit all over the place- part 2 will be up soon 🙃

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