Horror Movies- Rafe

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"Come on babe we've watched three rom-coms already." Rafe whined

Octavia sat up from her laying position on the lounge, pouting at her boyfriend.
"Yeah but you only want to watch horror movies- so I'm stalling."

Rafe chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist, "They're only movies though babe."

"I couldn't care less- they scare the shit out of me."

"Come on! Just one movie." Rafe pleaded

Octavia groaned and rolled her eyes, "Ok whatever fine- but I swear to god if I can't sleep after this you owe me."

"Fine by me." Rafe cheered

Octavia leant back into the lounge, wrapping the blanket firmly around her- getting ready to use it to cover her eyes.

Rafe pressed play on the movie and turned to Octavia, raising an eyebrow as he saw her freaking out not even 10 seconds into the film.

"Are you ok love?" He asked amused

Octavia narrowed her eyes at him and moved further down the lounge.

"What are you doing?" He laughed

"I'm distancing myself from you because you forced me to watch a horror movie." She stated

"Alright that's fine." Rafe shrugged, a smirk clear on his face.
He knew that within a few minutes she'd be clinging onto him for dear life. And honestly that may or may not have been the reason why he put the movie on in the first place.

Octavia didn't even know which movie her boyfriend had put on and quite frankly she didn't care- she just wanted it to end already.
Octavia had never liked horror movies, she despised the jump scares and the gore made her sick.
Yet she could watch documentaries about serial killers and murder mysteries for hours on end.

The movie didn't start off too bad, it was pretty calming. It was just a normal family doing pretty regular stuff- that was until the music dropped and the girl ended up in the woods by herself.
Octavia bit the inside of her cheek and gripped onto the blanket bracing herself for the psychotic murderer to jump out.
And he did....

"AH FUCK!" Octavia screamed, jumping from her spot and landing into Rafe.

Rafe sucked in his lips and attempted to hold in his laughter.
"Are you ok?" He choked- oh how badly he wanted to laugh.

"Shut up." Octavia grumbled

Rafe wrapped both his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, bringing the blanket along with him.

"When's it finish?" Octavia whispered

"In an hour." He replied

"AN HOUR?!" Octavia exclaimed, her eyes wide open.

Rafe opened his mouth to speak but he was quickly cut off by another one of Octavia's screams.

The further they got into the movie the more Octavia clung to Rafe, burying her head into his side and slamming her eyes shut whenever something scary appeared on the screen.
"I fucking hate this." Octavia mumbled into Rafe's side.

Rafe chuckled and placed a kiss on her head, "We've got 20 minutes left- the worst of its over."

"I'm forcing you to watch a whole season of Teen Wolf now since you've traumatised me."

"WHAT?!" Rafe exclaimed

Octavia lifted her head from his chest and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Well that was childish." Rafe stated jokingly

"Shut up." Octavia smiled

"So, I take it you were very scared." Rafe smirked

"Hey hey hey! I was just- a little shocked that's all."

"Pffft! Shocked?! You shat your pants multiple times."

"I wasn't even scared." Octavia denied

Rafe was about to make another comment before he stopped himself, a smirk appeared on his face as he came up with an idea.

"Ok then- so you don't mind if I go home now?"

Octavia raised an eyebrow, her face instantly losing colour.
"Home?" She asked

Rafe nodded, "Yeah if you're not scared you don't need me to stay over right?"

Octavia jumped up from her position with a distressed expression plastered on her face.
"Ok ok I was scared shitless please don't leave me alone." She pleaded

Rafe grinned and pulled her back down onto his lap.

"That's all I wanted to hear." He laughed

"Yeah yeah whatever- now it's time for Teen Wolf."

"WHAT?! But baby it's like 2:30." Rafe deflected

"Nope no excuses my friend." Octavia stated, dragging him up the stairs to her bedroom.

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