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Oh my god, oh my god. I received a gold edged envelope today and I was terrified to see the violet paper inside. I swiftly sliced through the top of the envelope with my dagger. (yes dagger not letter opener, I'm not four.) I saw the violet leak out from the top and I pulled out the letter.

~~~~~ Dear Tarra, You have been accepted into A.I.M (Advanced Intelligence Module).You must arrive at A.I.M headquarters by 4:30 am on Wednesday 20th April 3046. DO NOT BE LATE. You will be marked for being later than 4:30. you are to wear a formal, yet functional outfit to the presentation. You will be assigned a squad and uniform by the end of the day. Once you have been assigned to your designated squad you will be given a rank and you are to choose a suitable name. Foul language is not accepted. You will spend the rest of your day getting to know your squad/ collogues and familiarising yourself with the layout of your Corp. Good luck squadron. We look forwards to meeting you.

Yours faithfully,

Lana Davies, CEO of A.I.M


Oh good lord I've been accepted. Well. This is new. Oh god who am I kidding this is the first time I've been accepted and I was accepted into freaking A.I.M of all places I get accepted it's only the most famous place in all of this whole galaxy. I have to call mum. she's gonna be so proud. you know what, it's such a special occasion I'll visit mum and dad.

I arrived at my old family house and knocked on the glass door. a nostalgic beeping noise arose as I knocked, informing my parents of my arrival. 'retinal scan complete.'

"Tarra?!" It was my mum who opened the door in front of me.

"h-hi mum." I stuttered, keep it cool keep it cool.

"who is it?" my so-called dad yelled from the dinning room.

"It's Tarra dear!" called my mum back.

she decided she would finally let me in out of the porch and into the hallway.

"And what made you decide to come back? lost all your money? broke up with a stupid boy?" my father questioned my sudden appearance. fair enough I haven't been here since I was 14.

"I-I made it into A.I.M" I stuttered.

"OUT. GET OUT YOU LYING SON OF A BITCH!" the monster of a man screamed at me.

I turned and fled from my old house remembering the sole reason I left this hell hole in the first place. would he be proud of me? of course not. he'd rather I was dead in the road. I ran as fast as I could back to my home. my real home. I stood by the glass waiting for it to scan me and let me in. meow. a nudge came from behind me. My cat Nova was the best cat. she was so loyal and loved me no matter what. as long as I fed her of course. I tapped a number into my data pad to open it up.

you have 2 missed texts.

hi honey I'm really sorry about your father

I'm proud of you.

thanks mum. I hope you're ok. I love you.


I placed my data pad back in my pocket satisfied with the results. Nova nudged my leg again.

"yeah, alright baby, I'll get you some food." I told her, she gave a happy mew as if in reply to my statement.

I walked through to the kitchen and went over to the automatic food dispenser and clicked on the touch screen icon of cat food. $80.64 Jesus Christ prices went through the roof just for fucking cat food. a small pouch of wet cat food was dispensed. I collected Nova's food bowl from the floor and ripped open the pouch, squeezing the jelly like consistency into it.


a/n 685 words. Hello readers! I hope you are enjoying this chapter, I'm sorry it's quite a boring chapter but it's needed. hydrate and stay safe. Hope you enjoyed :)

-Author <3

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