Perseus sector- sqaudron 662

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Presentations are the hardest. You have to prove you want the job. Hardest thing is I normally don't want the job, clearly I just want the money. But this was different. The presentation and the idea of this job. I desperately want to have this job. And I have to present my skill set in a squad. Problem is I have no idea where brains should be put in these millions of classifications. Highly irritating considering I am the brains. The brains can't think of another way to politely classify them self. Great. There is no doubt I will fail this.

My presentation is finally over! I think it was ok. I had to classify myself as the brains but know one cared. Not even the C.E.O which is a good sign. I sort of think she approved. It was a good two hours after I had finished presenting as there were many after mine. It was a painfully slow process but we got there. Some of the kids got something wrong and cried on the spot. My friends would have never been able to attempt that. And now for physical. Oh crap. I work on theories not physicals.physicals are space simulations, they put you through different tests with a random team to see how well you succeed. the target is to win the simulation. If I get this done though, with any hope I should be in Sector Perseus. Kate and dad both died in the Theseus Sector. I shouldn't have been thinking that. I decided not to be another in that Sector considering it seemed cursed at this stage.

"I passed? Be more specific. Passed out? Passed the incorrect door? Passed on to a new life? Passed a plate?"

"Oh wait, you mean I passed?!"

"for brains, you appear to have a severe lack of it sometimes." Miss Davies told me.

"uh, sorry. I-I wasn't exactly expecting to pass considering I tend to fail my physicals due to being theory based." I told her. I mentally face palmed myself. she did not need to know that.

Oh holy SHIT! there is no way I actually did pass the physical. It was horrendous. I was put in a simulation with other persons representing different ranks in a squadron. I was put with the most insufferable person as a pilot. I hated every single part of them. They wouldn't listen to me. If they had only changed the trajectory course when I asked. You know, I think if they weren't so arrogant we might not have crash landed into a black hole. A bloody black hole. You know BIG BLACK SWIRLY THING TO STAY AWAY FROM. Anyway. I passed and I'm in the Perseus Sector. I received my uniform on my way to my squad. It was a beautiful ultramarine with violet dipped cuffs. Oh I have longed to wear this colour for a very long time. Time to meet my squad. Squadron 662.

I knock on the door to 662's dormitories. A voice as sweet as sugar slipped out the door. "Who is it?"

"I, uh. Starling-Gard, reporting for duty?"I answered the question.

"Oh come on in new kid." Says another voice opening the door.

I was invited in by a person with dark blue hair. It was cropped like mine and clearly brown at one stage. They were taller than me and that's saying something, I'm not a very short person. I'd say they were around the 6'3 mark. I noticed their skin was pale and looked like it was made with crystals. They wore a black binder with a jumper hitched round their waist. They had a Yin necklace. I presumed someone else had the Yang half. They wore black ripped jeans that were baggy and cuffed at the bottom. "Hey new kid, I'm Jay, second in command. Also a Frost Demon- hence me being pale as fuck." They stuck out their hand to shake mine. I took their hand, "I'm..." I stopped. Who am I? I don't need my old name. I can change it. Dad always said that Kate and I were his north star to guide him home.

"I'm Polaris."

"Welcome to the team Polaris."

A/n- word count 713 .
Hey my readers, stay hydrated and continue doing whatever you do best

-Author <3

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