Kate Starling-Gard

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Today was the day. 20th April. 3:30 am. exactly one hour until I am needed at headquarters. I got out of bed, pushing Nova off of me, and started to get ready for the day. Nova hissed in annoyance. I quickly showered in the 0H2O and slipped on a pair of black jeans and a black top. I contemplated tying my hair up and realised it would be too short so there was no issue with hair in the way. I checked myself in the reflective glass in my room and picked my data pad off of its charging port and slipped in my back pocket. I checked my alarm clock before leaving the room, 3:45 wow that was quick. I went through to the kitchen to the auto food machine and clicked on cat food for Nova and a protein bar for me, sometimes protein bars are easier for me to stomach in the mornings. I knew that I never ate breakfast but frankly I needed some form of nutrients for the day I figured today was going to push everyone's limits. I set down Nova's food and put my protein bar in my pocket whilst heading to the door. meow. 

"I'll see you later Nova, I'm just going to see what A.I.M is like. knowing me I won't be there for long so expect me back around lunch time." I told her as I walked out the door towards the bus. 

" welcome to: A.I.M, Advanced Intelligence Module." spoke the glass advertisement on the walls. 

I looked up at the building in front of me. woah. I guess I shouldn't like it too much seeing as I won't be here for long. shame. It's really cool. I walked through the doors of A.I.M for the first and probably last time. I checked my data pad for the time. 4:30, perfectly on time as always for me. I have never been late to anything in my life. My sister Kate on the other hand. whole different story. she was always late to everything. she missed 6 A.I.M meetings at the age of 17. And now, at the same age, I stood in her exact steps, early. I missed her, I truly did, but I just prayed that no one would recognise me as her younger sister. 

"KATE STARLING-GARD. LEGENDARY HERO." a memorial glass was in the entrance. of course it was. there was no doubt that they would recognise my surname. oh god help me. I just want to be my own person. not "Kate's younger sister".

"uh. are you ok? you look lost." a lady asked me at the front desk.

"uhm, yeah. sorry, presentation day, where are we supposed to go?" I asked politely.

"first floor, third door on the right." she replied.

"um. thank you. um what's your name?" I thought I should make an effort.

"Jenny." she told me.

"well thank you Jenny." I said squinting at her name badge as I spoke "I hope you have a good day!" I thanked again with a big smile.

she seemed nice. I decided to head on down to the presentation area. I looked back at Jenny who was now tapping info into her data pad. I think she was letting systems know I'm here. 

I walked through the glass doors labelled PRESENTATION ROOM. a lady with beautiful brown hair was sat down at a desk. she had a pin badge on her formal suit. Lana Davies. oh my god. it was the CEO. the CEO has come to watch me present throughout the day. oh shit. I sat down at a small classroom style deck in front of her. I looked around tentatively and realised that there was no one else there. am I late?

"congratulations Tarra Starling-Gard. It appears you are unlike your older sister. you are on time." the CEO told me.

"um. thank you?" I replied questioningly.

minutes later at least 15 people came rushing through the glass doors.

"LATE. Hannah those clothes are inappropriate, go home." the CEO yelled at everyone. a girl turned around and out the door sulkily, presumably Hannah. I caught a glimpse of her outfit. Jesus I'm surprised the CEO let her out alive! 

A/n- word count 724.
Hello my readers! Stay hydrated and resist the thought of murdering those annoying people...

Actually scratch that, just don't get caught :)

-Author <3

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