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The day had ended and it was time for me to prepare for the coming events. I was in A.I.M now, I had to make sure I had my spare clothes, my books, make sure Nova is cared for. What about Nova? Who can look after her during the week during expeditions? I have no other friends, mom and well... let's just say we're still not on good terms.Mrs Gibson! My neighbour!She can look after Nova. See, when you are accepted into A.I.M, you are expected to stay in there dormitories during the week and go home during the weekend. They tend to call you on your Data Pad if you're needed. I left my house and knocked on Mrs Gibson's door.

"Tarra? what can I do for you dear?" her silvery voice came from the mic outside the door.

"Hello Mrs Gibson, I wanted to talk to you. I sort of need a small favour. Is it ok to come in and talk for bit?" I asked politely.

"yes of course dear! would you like a hot cup of tea while we discuss your 'issue'?"

" yes please, that would be lovely!" I replied.

She was always nice to me, ever since I bought this house with the help of school funds. she and Nova have been here since day one. I found Nova around the corner of the house when she was a kitten, I was fairly sure she was a stray. I scanned my Data Pad to check if she had a chip. A small image of a lovely looking old woman and man stood leaning on each other, smiling into the camera. Mr and Mrs Gibson- 131 Thompson Ln. perfect! I was on 129 Thompson Lane, we were neighbours! maybe I could introduce myself as their new neighbour! I wonder if they miss their cat? Oh no! they must have been worried sick. I walked with the cat of which I had temporarily named "Cat" I couldn't find a suitable name for a cute fat brown tabby cat, so I went with Cat until I discovered what her name actually was, I planned on asking it's owner. I knocked on the door to my new neighbour and cradled Cat in my arms and repeatedly petted it. A little purr rumbled from her tummy and I giggled with delight.

"hello? Oh honey look! she's found Nova!" said a lovely old lady.An old man leaned over her shoulder and stared at newly discovered Nova. a tabby cat rubbed her face on my leg. I practically jumped out of my skin when I felt another cat nudge my leg. a soft mew came from the tabby at my leg

"oh hello Kitty!" I laughed at the fact that they had two cats and both seemed to like me a lot.

a few weeks later of us becoming friends, I was gifted their last surviving cat. Nova. poor Mr Gibson had fallen ill and Mrs Gibson had no time to look after Nova as she spent most of her time at the hospital in that period. and that was how I gained Nova. my favourite lazy fat brown tabby cat (she's only fat because Mrs Gibson feeds her treats while I'm out)

There was a sufficient amount of chatting during my time at her house. I told her about getting into A.I.M and that I needed a cat sitter while I was out on missions as it was highly unlikely I was able to bring Nova into space even if it's quite ironic.

"I'm afraid I cannot look after Nova for a good while as I'm going to visit my daughter for a month, I would help you if I could dear. I'm sure you understand." Mrs Gibson told me. Crap

"that's fine Mrs Gibson, I'm sure I'll find someone else in the mean time. I hope you have a lovely time at your daughter's!"

Great now what I have no one to look after my cat. I sure as hell am not letting my parents look after Nova, I don't trust them further than I can spit. wait! Eryn! they are the perfect person to look after Nova. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.


A/n Word count 730.

hello my lovely readers this was a little bit of a filler chapter but the adventure is in the next chapter, stay hydrated.

-Author <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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