Chapter 8😍👨🏼‍🍼🤰🏻

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Rayla and Callum said something about getting to safe ground and that they were going to help the remaining elves fight back. Ethari looked like he was going to protest when he caught some fear in his husbands eyes. Ethari hadn't seen fear in Runaan's eyes in ages. So he didn't protest and decided he would stay with his husband and protect him.

"Alright, then we better get going then. Rayla?" Callum called out and Rayla said goodbye before joining her fiance farther down the path. Ethari laid Runaan down so that he was partly sitting up against a rock. Almost instantly he fell asleep. "Huh, guess he was more tired than I thought." He said to himself. Ethari frowned after a while of just staring at his sleeping husband. He had grimaced. Not from his sleep or anything like that. He grimaced in pain.

Ethari wandered over to where his husband lay deep in sleep. He sat down next to him just listening to his breathing. Then suddenly he grimaced again but this time he groaned in pain as well. Now Ethari was really worried. He laid his hand over his husband's so he knew that he was there for him. So this time when he moaned Ethari squeezed his hand for reassurance. "Runaan?" He whispered just in case Runaan was still asleep. No answer.

"Guess he's still asleep-" Ethari was cut off by a thrum through Runaan's body "Huh? What was that?" He felt it again. Suddenly his hand was squeezed. "Huh? Runaan?" Ethari started to move his hand up his husbands body when he felt something kick at Runaan's stomach.

Ethari's eyes widened in realisation. The babies were kicking! He started feeling around for more kicks when one of them hit really hard right on his hand. Ethari was amazed "Hello little ones." He put his head closer towards Runaans bump and slowly, as to not wake Runaan up, he put his ear to his husbands stomach.

As he did so he heard another kick. This brought tears to Ethari's eyes. Unfortunately all of this kicking had woken Runaan up. He groaned as he sat up. "Mmm, Ethari? Why are you crying my love?" Runaan asked his beloved "I just love you so much, Runaan." Ethari replied smiling widely down at him.

Runaan smiled back up and said, "I love you too Ethari." The two of them just laid in each others arms. It wasn't long before Runaan fell asleep again and Ethari was left with only the sound of his husband's breathing for company and thought that he would protect Runaan and their child at any cost.

Rayla and Callum had been gone a long time now but they could still here the fading sounds of their battle in the distance. "I hope they're alright down there." Ethari said voice filled with worry. Suddenly there was a sound of a huge explosion.

"OH MY XADIAN GODS! WHAT WAS THAT?!" Ethari shouted waking up Runaan in the process "Huh?! What the heck?!" Runaan shouted as he jolted awake. They caught sight of Rayla and Callum running towards them at full speed "Ethari! Get Runaan outta here! Quickly!" Rayla shouted.

Ethari quickly hoisted Runaan up into his arms and started running. Callum and Rayla caught up with them. "Where should we go?" Ethari called out "I'm not sure. But we have to get as far away from that dark mage as we can!" Rayla said.

"DARK MAGE?!?!" Ethari and Runaan both shouted "Yeah! Apparently he's their leader!" "And he deserves to be as well. That guy is super strong." They continued running until they found a surprisingly large rock and hid behind it.

Ethari held Runaan tightly and covered him. They heard footsteps. They came closer. And closer. And closer until they passed them. Ethari let out a breath that he hadn't realised he was holding in. The one thing that they hadn't noticed though was that Runaan had disappeared.

"Wait a minute. Where's Runaan?" Ethari asked. He looked behind him and caught sight of someone dragging carrying his husband away. Runaan was actually unconscious. He guessed that he human had knocked him unconscious. Oh when he got his hands on him. They all sped after Runaans captor.

"Hey! You! Come back here!" Rayla shouted. The guy turned around to see who was chasing him. Callum recognised his face instantly. He gasped and exclaimed, "Anton!" "Who?" Rayla asked "The dark mage is his boss. He's the second in command." "What?!" They all quickened their pace after that knowing how much danger Runaan was in.

"Come on! We have to go faster!" Ethari shouted terrified about what might happen to his husband if they didn't hurry up and catch this guy. "I'm on it!" Rayla shouted. She suddenly started sprinting and was catching up to Anton. Then she was right at his side now trying to figure out how to get Runaan out of his evil clutches. Literally.

Ethari was sweating. Actually sweating. He was hoping that Rayla would come up with something quick. Really quick. Rayla finally had a plan. "Callum!" She shouted "Do yer wind breath spell!" "What?!" Ethari exclaimed "Are you crazy?! That would knock Runaan onto the ground. Xadia knows what that would do!" "Just trust me!".

Ethari looked like he was about to protest but instead he just sighed in defeat. "Fine. But be careful!" He warned. Rayla nodded determinedly. "Wait! Where do I aim?" Callum asked "At his feet!" "Ok!" Callum drew the rune and whispered, "Aspiro." Rayla's plan worked and soon Anton was on the ground.

Rayla rushed over before he could get up and escape. She took out her blades and pointed them at his throat. "I don't think so." She said. Ethari and Callum rushed over to Runaan. Ethari fell down on to his knees and held his husband in his arms whilst Callum stayed behind to keep a lookout in case there was any others.

"Runaan? Are you alright, my love?" He asked as Runaans eyes slowly opened "I'm fine. Just a slight headache." Runaan said. Suddenly Callum heard a twig snap from behind the bushes. "Huh?" He inched closer towards where the noise came from. And was terrified by what he saw.

"Um, guys?" Callum called "What is Callum?" "I don't think we're alone." "What do you mean 'we're not alone'?" Rayla asked. Callum went a little closer and shouted, "Ambush!" Before running over to everyone. Callum's shout had caused Rayla to stop focusing on Anton and he'd escaped "There's nowhere for you to run now!" Anton shouted.

Runaan cursed as they went surrounded by dark mages. "Uh oh." Callum said. Ethari held him tight showing no sign of letting go. "How are we going to get out of this?" Rayla asked "I'm not sure." Callum replied scanning for a way out. When suddenly he saw a familiar figure coming and was filled with hope.

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