Just one night Pt2

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"That's enough with your freaking lies! Who the hell is it going to be? Me or him?"


You stood there shocked. How could Evan yell at you like that?

"Whoa calm down sir! You don't need to get mad at her she was drunk!" Jonathan yelled turning to Evan.

"He's being a better boyfriend than you are!" You yelled but your hand flew up to your mouth the second those words escaped your lips.

"I didn't mean that" you said calmly moving towards Evan who's mouth was wide open in shock. When you were in front of him you put your hand on his arm softly only for it to be furiously swatted off.

"If he's that much better then me than maybe you should date him not me" Evan mumbled angrily grabbing his keys and walking away.

"No Evan! I didn't mean it come back! I'm sorry babe please!" You shouted running towards the door but he was already at the car. You turned towards a guilty looking Jonathan.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen!" He said jumping towards you pulling you into a hug. You awkwardly wrapped your arms around his tall figure.

"It's fine" you mumbled into his shoulders biting the tears back. There was a lump in your throat choking back your words.

"I just don't know where he's going to go, this is his house." You mumbled frowning. Jonathan chuckled but quickly stopped when you looked up at him.

"Don't worry (Y/N) if he let you go that easily he wasn't the one! Maybe we can try this out and it might work" Jonathan whispered softly.

"I don't know..." You mumbled pulling away. "I just met you." You said looking up at him.

He grabbed ahold of your hands pulling you closer.

"I think I like you more than I thought I did. Maybe we can try it out? How about tonight at 8pm?" Jonathan asked looking at you hopefully. You hesitated but nodded your head.

"Why not" you answered a smile smile dancing on your lips. Jonathan smiled like a child on Christmas running out yelling "Tonight at 8pm don't forget!" Leaving you standing there.


It was almost 8pm and you were applying the finishing touches to your makeup.

You had some simple mascara and eyeliner with a little bit of lip gloss. You were in a simple peach strapless dress that was wrapped at the top with a bow sitting at your waist. The rest flowed down up to your knees, Your hair was in a simple side braid.

You say there and slipped into a train of thoughts 'What if I do something wrong? I don't want to lose two people! Do I look bad? Will he li-' you got cut off when your doorbell rang.

You got up slowly wiping your clammy hands on your dress. You walked over to the door and took a shaky breath. You slowly opened it smiling slightly when you saw Jonathan. He was in black slacks and a simple white dress shirt. He had a bouquet of (F/F) in his hands.

"Hi" he smiled nervously
"I got these for you" he said handing you the bouquet.

"Thank you" you nodded approvingly.


Jonathan never told you were you where going but you knew this restaurant all to well.

"No this is way to expensive!" You said turning to him

"I'm paying" he replied smirking.

"This is to much! I can't make u pay for this" you said turning to Jonathan as he opened you door.

"C'mon woman get out of the car" he chuckled holding his hand out. You grabbed his hand smiling slightly and he pulled you into the restaurant.

As you walked in you gasped covering your mouth slightly. The restaurant was huge with lights hanging around the room and a huge chandelier in the middle. There where couples seated everywhere and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

"Table for two"


"You got a little something there" Jonathan says hotly reaching across the table and wiping something off your mouth with his thumb. He licked his thumb and smirked
"Delicious" he said with a wink.

You felt a blush rise to your cheeks but thankfully he didn't notice as your waiter came to your table with the check.

Jonathan grabbed it thanking the waiter and paying. He got up smiling offering his hand and you walked out of the restaurant with your head leaning on his shoulder.he opened the door for you a huge smile spread across his face as he motioned for you to sit down.

You sat down giggling a little. As he closed the door and opened his own.

'What the hell I never giggle'
You thought a your hand subconsciously moving up to your mouth.

"Don't worry it's cute when you giggle" Jonathan smirked making a blush rise up to your face

He pulled up at your parking lot and turned to you.

He grabbed your hand and whispered "I had fun tonight"

"I did to" you said smiling. Jonathan slowly but noticeably started moving closer to you. You moved closer to and your lips met half way. This kiss felt like all of those cheesy things in the movies, fireworks, explosive and just plain amazing.

"Goodnight" he whispered huskily and you out of the car and ran to your house. Your ran up your stairs stripping of your heels and dress and jumped into bed.

'I think he likes me, he made me feel better than when I ever was with Evan! Maybe I do like him' you thought smiling slightly.

You drifted off sleep engulfing you.


You woke up with a jolt the familiar feeling of nausea over coming you as you sprinted to the bathroom.

'Again?' You wondered coughing as you brushed your teeth.

You called the first person you could think of.


He came to your house as fast as possible showing up with a little test in his hand. You gasped but took it anyways.

Ten minutes is all it could take for your life to change....

Ten minutes


Hello! Look I actually wrote!! This took me so long to write and I'm sorry about that but I hope you liked it! Vote, comment and all that nice stuff. Until next time


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