Do you?

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I looked down at my white gown shaking slightly... What if he doesn't like me? Will he leave! He can't it's too late now... Right? Oh my god my hands can't be sweaty when he grabs them! I wipe them down on the table... This isn't going to work I'm such an idiot! I grab a napkin wiping my hands before throwing it away angrily...

"Calm down... Deep breaths"
Count to ten it always works...




4..- "Why are you so nervous you look amazing!" My Best friend (BFF/N) says laughing softly.

"I'm terrified! What if he says no! Wh-what if he leaves me?" I ask frowning softly.

"And why would he do that?" She asked getting up wearing her (F/C) Maid of honour dress. I shrug my shoulders patting my stomach

"It's just I'm still afraid he doesn't want the baby, I'm only a couple months pregnant but still" I sigh softly

"He loves you and that baby! He proved it too you and he beat up Evan a while ago... Man wasn't that funny to watch" she laughed softly
"What I'm trying to say is you don't need to worry! Even if he says no I'll beat him up and you will find someone better! I promise" she smiled walking over to me.
"It's time" a voice said. I turned around to greet my father who kissed my cheek softly.

"You look beautiful, he is going to love you" he says smiling brightly. I smile back, I hope he does...


I smile softly as I walk out with my father hearing the soft music playing for me. I then notice Jonathan in his black tux looking as sexy as ever if I do say so myself. His eyes brightened when he saw me and his smile grew bigger.

I let go of my dads arm as he kissed my cheek smiling. I turned around to Jonathan again walking up and grabbing his hands.

"Is there anything you would like to say before we start?" The officiant asked (I have no idea what it is called I searched it up and everything I feel stupid ;-;)

Jonathan nods and turns to me locking our eyes.
"You are my lover and my teacher,
You are my model and my accomplice,
And you are my true counterpart.
I will love you, hold you and honor you,
I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you,
In health and sickness,
Through sorrow and success,
For all the days of my life" I smile softly... Do not cry! You are wearing makeup... Waterproof or not do not cry! He's such a sap! It's cute though.
"Oh and I promise to buy taller shoes so you can always wear heels." I laugh softly. Always has to joke doesn't he?

"Well Jonathan.In sickness and in health: I promise to take care of you, even when you've over indulged the night before. For richer or for poorer: I promise not to spend all our money on video games... You must promise that too."
I smile again as he chuckles softly.

"Celebrating the uniting of two people in this way proclaims in public what was decided in the private corners of the heart. It proclaims the couple's belief that they are meant to be together, and that they are ready to embrace the future together. (Y/N) and Jonathan wish to pledge their vows to each other before us today."

"I, Jonathan, take you, (Y/N), to be my equal partner in love, life, and law, today, tomorrow, and forever. I promise to treat you with dignity, respect your need to be alone at times, help you when you need help, and turn to your first when I need help."

"I, (Y/N) , take you, Jonathan, to be my equal partner in love, life, and law, today, tomorrow, and forever. I promise to share your joy and sorrow, to help you heal when the world wounds you, and to help you find beauty in everything."

"You may now kiss the bride"

Do you?!?!???!?!! Ello :) I updated finally xD I'm running out of ideas! HEELLLLLLPPP. Please? Vote comment and all that nice stuff :D keep being awesome!


P.S...... 4K READSSSSSSS THANK YOU SO MUCH over 200 likes ❤️

I'm Delirious For You (H2O Delirious X Reader oneshots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin