The Second Miracle

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Mi Jo was having difficulty breathing, and so Kang Kook was  asked to leave the room, even if he  hesitated. The doctors were able to settle  her down and advised the nurse to monitor . The baby was cleaned up and was placed in the nursery. 

" Mr. Kang, she developed  a what we call a maternal asthma.  I checked her records, she have  asthma history, but very mild ones. Are you aware?" 

" Yes she mentioned it and I only witnessed her getting attacks only twice. " 

" Don't worry, she's on oxygen now, and she is stable. Let's give her a few hours.  I think your room is ready, we will transport Dr. Kang there shortly. "

" Thank you  Dr. Oh. Will Mi Jo wake up soon?" 

" Yes she will."

Kang Kook spent time at the nursery.  His mind was torn, he was happy but at the same time his heart was heavy because of what happened to his wife.  Mi Jo's parents already came and since she is still asleep, they decided to pick up Ji Ah and buy some food.. 

" We will be back soon Kook-sshi. " 

 At the nursery ... 

" Hi baby,  how are you? Are you getting hungry? Eomma is still sleeping, let's wait for her to wake up ok?" 

She weighs 7 kilos and has long legs like her eomma and him. He still could not determine if she got his eye or Mi Jo's .

" Your eonnie will be here soon, I am sure she will be happy to meet you. Oh look, you opened your eyes, you are so pretty sweetheart. I think you got eomma's eyes, and got my dimples. "

" Sir, your wife is up and we already helped her washed up too.  It's feeding time, do you want to carry the baby to the room? " 

 Mi Jo was off the oxygen, her eyes looked happy but she was teary the moment she saw Kang Kook carrying their newly born little girl.

He kissed her on the forehead and sat beside her. 

" Love? Are you feeling better? I was so worried, I thought I was losing you." 

" I never had asthmas for so long, I think I was just exhausted, I didn't sleep well the last 3 days, maybe I was excited. I am sorry if I made you so worried." 

" The important thing is you are here now and  our  new bub, she's so pretty like you and  Ji Ah." 

" She still have dimples, there's 3 of you now. Hi baby, are you hungry now? " 

While Mi Jo was nursing the baby, Ji Ah and her grandparents came, with flowers and balloons, as well as Mi Jo's brother and  sister in law.  Kang Kook's  mother  will visit them as soon as they are back home since she has an underlying condition and they don't want her to be exposed in the hospital.

" Eomma, can I kiss dongsaeng?" 

" Yes baby, isn't she pretty like eonnie?" 

" She is, but she's sleeping I cannot  talk to her yet. Appa, did she cry loud when she came out of eomma?" 

" Yes she did and she stopped when I carried her." 

" Hi dongsaeng, I am Ji Ah eonnie, I have so many toys for you and you can wear all of my smaller clothes  and shoes. " 

" We are so happy for you ttal and Kang Kook. Another bundle of joy, congratulations." 

" Thank you eomma and appa." 

" Mi Jo, you still need to have a boy, ok?" 

" Oppa, I just gave birth,  I think when this one is 2 years old." 

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