The Gentleman and The Lady

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Amelia opened the box. It contained a outfit and a note briefly explaining the Desire. He rolled her eyes when she read it.

Desirer: William

Desire: A high society new couple on a date who despite trying to fight the urges just couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Additional Info: Keep make up minimal. Act unaware of the advances at the beginning. Act like you are worried of being caught.

Room: 93

Duration: 10pm-11pm

A lot of men she had been in the room with, had similar Desires. Maybe the scene was a little different but the additional info part almost always had that one line.

Act like you are worried of being caught.

Something about that thrilled these people. Amelia didn't mind. She liked the thrill as well.

She quickly put on the black slip dress that clung to her body. She briefly wondered if the dress was provided by the Desirer or the Room. It didn't matter, she would never see this dress again. The box also provided some some gold jewellery and a gold clutch with a chain for a handle.

Remembering the advice, Amelia didn't waste time on make up. Instead she put on some black eyeliner around her dark brown, almost black, eyes and pink lipgloss on her plump lips. She put her curly black hair up in a bun and pulled out a few pieces so that they would frame her face. Satisfied with her look, she glanced at the clock once.

9:45 pm.

She still had some time to kill, so she pulled up the Pleasure Room's online chatroom. That was where she had gotten her start. Once she found the online forum, she became almost addicted to it. She chatted with many users, and made them cum with just her words. Soon enough she had gained the attention of a few mods and after chatting with one of them, she received her offer.

Ever since she became a part of the real life version of the room, Amelia was adviced to stay away from the virtual forum so as to not satisfy people for free. She obviously didn't listen. She didn't care about the money, she liked the power she had over men. She just went by a different alias.

After having user BigDickDaddy(34) send her a link to a video of him jerking off and cumming while moaning her fake name, Amelia was aroused and ready for her Desire.

She put the beige coloured coat on and walked out of her dressing room. Being one of the most sought after Desired, she had special privileges that most others didn't.

Her golden heels clicked on the floor as she walked with purpose till she reached Room 93. She looked at the mirror attached on the door and fixed her mask.

That was one of the most important part of Pleasure Room's real life version, masks. No one could remove the mask at any point during their session. If the Desirer and Desired chose to continue their relationship out of the Room, they could share contact information inside the room but no removing the mask. And the Room was very particular about protecting their Desired, if the Desired said, no, then it meant no. There was a call button in each of the rooms that was only known to the Desired just in case they needed to get out.

Amelia loved working here. Even though she didn't care about the money, she still liked it. It was nice not having to worry where her next meal would come from. She always had enough to spare.

She entered the room and saw the older man sitting on a chair. The dark room lit only by several white candles placed in different parts of the room, made the man look ethereal.

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