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Before reading this, don't try to do any rituals or spellwork I'll be mentioning on here if you have 0 experience in actual witchcraft. I don't wanna deal with panicking readers because they were stupid and summoned the wrong entity.

Hello, you can call me Bunny for now (ig). I'm an eclectic pagan who also practices witchcraft.
I myself am a partial sceptic when it comes to creepypasta summonings/the existence of similar entities (which is funny when you think about because I both 1. Make subliminals and 2. Have experience with it kinda?)

The way I see it, the actual creepypastas are fictional however, I do believe the effect (don't remember the name, I think some people call it the tinkerbell effect?) Of when enough people believe in a certain thing or being, it manifests into existence.

Hence why so many people have experience with these entites. So to put it into words, do I believe creepypastas exist? No, they're internet horror stories designed to scare people. Do I believe there are entites that exist that present as the characters we adore and grew up afraid of due to the mass amount of people believing in their existence through out the years? Yes.

Do I believe they can be summoned?
Yes, but it's now like how people show it. Like for example how people "summon" Ben through cleverbot is rarely ever him. Cleverbot is a internet software that learns speech patterns from the people that speak to it. So nine times out of ten, you aren't speaking to him you're speaking to the bot. I've tried speaking to him multiple times in a row to see if there was any pattern and there was. The exact pattern of sentences would string out before I got to the iconic phrase "You shouldn't have done that."

A good tip to tell the difference is to learn how to sense spirit energies. I myself haven't completely learned it, but it can help with identify whose there to make it easier for you to communicate and stop yourself from getting tricked. 

Clair-abilities are also something I think can be very useful aswell, especially with the entities based around being y'know dead like Ben or Sally.

I myself have Clairaudience (Psychic hearing) Clairsalience (Psychic smell, sounds silly I know,) and Clairsentience (A way to detect psychic information using your body like chills down your spine) I still need practice and I'm still learning on how they all work. But I know they'll turnout useful. For now I use deviation tools like my Pendulum + letterboard, and my tarot cards.

I will document my experiences however most of this book will probably be specifics on the different entities. (I prefer saying entities over creepypastas as I don't view them exactly the same. Not anymore.)

* Creepypasta Research + Witchcraft mix *Where stories live. Discover now