CRP Entity - Hoodie (Brian)

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Entity name - Brian Thomas

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Entity name - Brian Thomas

Alias - Hoodie, the Hooded man

Age - Estimated 22-30

Gender - Male (He/Him)

Sexuality - Unknown/none of my business

Hoodie is noted to seem calm, however when provoked/caught off-guard reacts in an aggressive manner, attempting to attack with what he has on hand.
Much like Masky, Hoodie is very defensive. He was the one to kick out my spirit guide when he approached Toby.

I don't have much on him, however I did spot him once with Toby

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I don't have much on him, however I did spot him once with Toby.

His candle colors

Red - Survival, Independence and strength

Yellow - Intelligence, Masculinity



-Smokey quartz

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-Smokey quartz

-Smokey quartz

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-Green quartz

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-Green quartz

His tarot card

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His tarot card

Reversed Knight of rods/wands

Reversed Knight of rods/wands

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His herb


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