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When Thomas woke up he knew without looking that Newt wasn't there. Without the boy cuddled up beside him, he felt cold and empty.
Thomas opened his eyes, only to see someone standing over him - Alby. Alby still had the scowl on his face that he wore the night before.
Thomas sat up, "what's up Alby?" The older boy stood glaring at Thomas, his nostrils flaring.
Thomas quickly got to his feet, "whoa man, what's wrong?"
Alby took a deep breath, "you and Newt, you're not right for each other."
Thomas felt like the boy had slapped him, "what? Why do you think that?"
"I don't 'think'," Alby said furiously, "I know. You shot a bullet through his brain, Thomas! That isn't love! That's murder! You murdered my best friend, and then the minute he shows up alive, you're all over him! You're not in love, Thomas. You're just happy to see him, see that he's okay, after what you did to him. Let me guess, he told you he loved you first. Am I right?" Thomas looked away. "And then because you are so guilty, you said you loved him back. I saw you during the changing, I know what kind of monster you are, and I'm not going to sit around while you fool my best friend," Alby spat and walked away.
Thomas sat down and put his head in his hands. Was Alby right?

Thomas went to breakfast, keeping an eye out for Alby, but he wasn't there, and either was Teresa.
Just as Thomas sat down to eat, he heard someone speak from behind him, "I thought we had something special, out in the Scorch." Brenda.
Thomas turned around. Brenda was standing with her hands on her hips, shaking her head, "you know I thought might've been the one, that you were different. But you are just the same as the rest. Play with me until someone better comes along, except none of the others were gay."
"Look Brenda, I'm sorry. You probably feel betrayed and hurt but I never meant to cause you any pain. I think I've found 'the one' for me. And I know this is gonna sound selfish, but for the first time in a really really long time, I'm happy. After everything, I finally feel like I belong. We all deserve to be happy," Thomas put his hand on her shoulder, "and I know that soon, you will find the one who makes you happy too." Thomas smiled.
A tear rolled down Brenda's cheek but she quickly wiped it away, "I'm happy for you, Thomas. You deserve to be happy," she smiled and walked away.

"Tommy!" Newt ran up to him, his face a mask of anger. Newt sat down beside Thomas, grabbing a slice of bread off Thomas's plate and chewing on it angrily.
"Whoa, what's wrong?" Thomas asked.
"I just had a lovely chat with our dear Teresa," Newt said around his food.
"About?" Thomas pressed.
"Us. The shank was standing over me this morning, told me we needed to talk. She led me over to the forest and told me we weren't bloody right for each other! Said you didn't love me. Said you were guilty about 'killing' me and you were just glad to see me," Newt's voice was filled with bitter rage.
"Weird, I had the same chat with Alby," Thomas said.
"What?" Newt's face turned from anger to shock to hurt. "Why would they do that?"
Thomas shook his head, "I don't know, but I saw them whispering last night after the announcement. They just sat there scowling."
Newt's eyes grew distant, "are they right?" He blurted out.
"What?" Thomas's eyes caught Newt's.
"Are they right? Are we really in love?"
"Of course we are!" Thomas reached out and touched Newt's cheek, "I love you, I always will, I promise."
"You promise?" Newt asked.
"Yeah I do," Thomas said.
"Then I promise to love you forever too." The two boys leaned into each other but before they could kiss, they were interrupted by, "oh god my shuck eyes and ears! You two shanks are disgusting!" Minho exclaimed.
Thomas and Newt laughed, and finally kissed.

{A/N: I'm really excited for this story! I can't wait for it to start getting interesting! I really hope all of you like this as much as I do}

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