Time flies when you're having fun

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After eating breakfast with Newt and a very complaining Minho, Thomas decided to spend some time with Chuck. Since he had come back Thomas hadn't even had time to speak to him. He found the younger boy sitting alone on the edge of the cliff Thomas and Brenda had sat on only a few days before.
"Hey buddy, want some company?" Thomas asked. This seemed to startle Chuck, because he jumped.
"Oh hey Thomas," Chuck said regaining himself, "sure take a seat."
"I'm sorry we haven't talked that much," Thomas said sitting down on the edge, "things have been kinda hectic lately."
"Yeah it's not everyday your friends come back from the dead, now is it?" Chuck chuckled.
Thomas couldn't help but laugh, but stopped, growing serious, "hey Chuck I'm sorry man."
"For?" The boy asked.
"You wouldn't have 'died' if it wasn't for me. Why did you do that anyway?" Thomas asked.
"You're my best friend, Thomas, I wasn't going to stand there and watch you die. I know now that that was the plan all along but I would still take that dagger for you now." Chuck smiled slightly. Thomas stared at him unable to find words. So instead he decided to wrap his arms around him, in a hug.
"You're my best friend too, Chuck. And hey while I'm at it I better apologise for not keeping my promise."
"It's okay. I've seen pictures of cranks and if my parents are like them, which they most likely are, I don't want to find them. Besides I've got a pretty sweet family here," Chuck beamed a very contagious smile.
"I completely agree," said Thomas.
"So you and Newt then," Chuck wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yeah me and Newt," laughed Thomas.
"At first people thought you and Teresa would get together 'cause of the whole telepathic thing." Thomas felt a pang in his gut at her name. "Then people were going on about that Brenda chick. But I knew. Your eyes always found each other and you would just stare at one another, and when you would finally break eye contact, it was like someone had torn your eyes away from each other. So I knew, and so Minho."
"Minho knew?" Thomas asked surprise evident in his voice.
"Duh! Minho knows everything! He was the one who drew my attention to it one night at dinner."
"I didn't even know I was gay until- until yesterday!"
"Oh you knew deep down, you just didn't admit it to yourself and everyone until yesterday," Chuck said.
Thomas stared at the boy, "you know I missed talking to you, Chuck," Thomas admitted.
"I missed talking to you too," Chuck replied.
Just then shouts from people below declared it was dinner time.
"Whoa it's dinner time already? I guess time really does fly when you're having fun," Thomas exclaimed.
"Let's hope it's something nice, but then again it is Frypan who's cooking, so we know it will be," Chuck said standing up.
"Sit with me at dinner?" Thomas asked.
"Absolutely," smiled Chuck.

Sorry for the long wait on this update! School is back and I'm going to be studying from now until the end of May but hopefully I'll find some time to write updates because I really do love writing them! I see a lot of people have started reading my Dramione fanfic "A Mistake" so hopefully I'll update that too!
Until the next time,

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