When I saw you I fell in love

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Thomas shook Mihno awake. He desperately needed his help and advice. Mihno wasn't very grateful for the amount of faith Thomas had in him.

"What are you doing, you big shank?" Mihno hissed at him. "Do you know what time it is?"

It was before dawn, and they were the only ones awake.

"Sorry I wouldn't wake you unless it was an absolute emergency," Thomas whispered.

Mihno sat up and fixed his bed head, "what's wrong is it Newt? Alby? Speak Thomas speak!" Mihno asked quickly.

Thomas put his had on Mihno's shoulder, "Mihno there's nothing wrong," Thomas assured him.

"Then what in the name of shuck is wrong with you? I need my beauty sleep! It takes time to look this good!" Mihno was saying but Thomas wasn't listening.

"Mihno, shut up! I need your advice," Thomas hissed.

"My advice? My  advice? Of course you do, I feel pretty damn loved," Mihno said while fixing his hair.

"Nice to know you're so modest. I need some advice on a first date," Thomas muttered.

"For you and Newt? Oh how cute! Ha that rhymes. Look my dearest shank, I have no idea on dating," Mihno seemed wide awake now and was rather bubbly.

"What? Seriously?" Thomas' heart sank.

"Dude, I was in the Glade with boys, not girls, and I'm not gay. I'm as straight as a ruler, my friend," Thomas wanted to slap him.

"Then what the hell am I going to do? I wanted to do something special for Newt, to show how much I love him, you know. But I haven't the slightest idea what to do. I think for the first time in my life I wish I had a romance novel," Thomas put his head in his hands.

"Well lucky for you, I've read a romance novel before," Mihno said brightly.

W-what? How did you get a romance novel?" Thomas asked curiously.

"Well if you send a note down in the box when the supplies come, the next time the box comes back up, the thing you asked for would be in it. Obviously the thing you asked for has to be reasonable. Like once," Mihno started giggling, "one of the boys asked for a T.V., he was so disappointed when they sent him up a children's book."

"Okay, so what does someone do for their first date?" Thomas asked.

"Well the most popular thing to do is a romantic dinner. That's personally my favourite," Mihno said.

"That sounds perfect. I could get Frypan to cook something, the builders to get some tree trunks and make some chairs, and if there's a few flowers all the better!" Thomas was getting excited. This first date was going to take time and effort, but it would be all worth it to see Newt's face.

Thomas and Mihno set to work asking everyone who was needed for help. It was top secret but everyone acted natural, not to raise suspicion. Newt was walking around making sure everything was in order. Thomas tried to keep out of his way, because he was so excited he was sure he would spill the beans and tell him. So when Newt called him he almost cringed.

"I woke up and you were gone. What were you doing up so early?" Newt asked throwing his arm around Thomas.

"I-I couldn't sleep," Thomas stuttered. "So I went for a walk."

"Oh okay, want to have lunch with me?"

"Umm..." Thomas hesitated, he hadn't even thought about lunch because of all the organising, "I think Mihno wants to talk to me, but if I get time I will." Thomas felt bad, but he knew that when he would see Newt's face that evening it would make everything better.

The smile dropped from Newt's lips, "oh. Well make sure you hurry then," he seemed to force a laugh.

"I'll do my best," Thomas pecked him on the lips and sprinted away into the forest.

Something was wrong with Tommy. Newt was sure he was ignoring him. Maybe he wasn't interested anymore. It had only been a few days, but it felt like years. The best years of his life.

Newt saw Mihno a few minutes later running into the forest. As he reached the entrance to the forest he stopped for a few seconds and looked around him, before sprinting off again.

Mihno was going into the forest to meet Thomas. Maybe it was something serious and couldn't be talked about out in the open, where people just loved to spread rumours and gossip. Newt knew he should trust him, Mihno was his best friend and Thomas was his boyfriend, but the way Thomas had acted drove him into the forest.

He walked quietly, watching his footsteps, avoiding branches and anything else that would cause noise. When suddenly he heard noises in front of him.

He inched closer so he was in ears shot of what Mihno and Thomas were saying.

"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew," Thomas said with so much passion, it almost broke Newt's heart.

"Thomas, you are my world, you are my everything. Without you I would rather die," Mihno said this with just as much passion as Thomas.

Newt's eyes filled up with tears, and he silently walked out of the forest. He couldn't believe it. Two of the people he had trusted the most, were the ones who had caused him the most pain.

"I guess it's true what they say, sometimes the person you would take a bullet for is usually the one behind the gun," Newt sobbed to himself.

"Do you think if I said that to him, he'd like it?" Thomas asked.

"Of course he would, who doesn't love a bit of William Shakespeare? But one small problem, Newt doesn't know who he is. Obviously I do, because the romance novel I read just happened to be Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare. But if he asks where you got that quote just say you made it up," Mihno winked.

Thomas rolled his eyes, "come on we have loads of things to do."

It was almost sunset, the time Thomas had planned for the date, but he still had to invite Newt. Thomas asked around to see where Newt was, but no one had seen him since before lunch. Thomas searched and searched but couldn't find him. Of course his boyfriend would go missing on the night of their first date. But suddenly Thomas saw him. He was standing on the edge of the cliff. 

Thomas sprinted towards the cliff so fast, people would swear a griever was after him.

"Newt!" Thomas shouted. "Newt!"

Thomas reached the top of the cliff, to see that Newt was crying.

"Newt...?" Thomas whispered. "Newt what's wrong?" He started to walk towards him but Newt turned around.

It was like he was a crank again, begging him to shoot him. His hair was all over the place and his face was stained with tears.

"Don't come any closer! I swear Tommy I'll jump!" Newt shouted.

"Newt, what's wrong? Talk to me," Thomas said steadily.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think I stupid? That I really wouldn't find out?" Newt was screaming now, while tears were streaming down his face.

"Find out about what?" Thomas asked. He was so confused, it was making his head spin.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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