clyde logan (2)

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The next two days seemed to crawl by. Every second was excruciating waiting for that phone call telling you all that he was home. You still didn't know how he was or if he was even alive and it was like a knife being driven into your chest every moment that passed. You, your mom, and dad hadn't left the Logan's house other than to do laundry and pack more clothes. 

"Hon, you need to eat something," Your mom says, extending a plate to you with a sandwich on it. 

"I'm not hungry," You mumble, staring out the window.

"I know baby, but you need to eat something. Just try, for me," She says, sounding like she was going to cry. 

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. 

"Okay. Thank you momma," You say, looking at her and mustering up smile. 

"Thank you," She says, kissing your forehead and leaving you alone once more. 

The sandwich is like cardboard in your mouth, making your stomach turn but you force it down, not wanting to upset your mom. You still feel as if you aren't in your body and are just going through the motions to survive. 


That's all you're trying to do until you know what the next step is. You're pulled from your own mind by the Logan's house phone ringing. You freeze, staring at it as Mr. Logan sprints into the kitchen, picking it up.

"Hello?" He says, gripping the phone so tightly that it looks like it might break. 

He waits, the person on the other side answering him. Mrs. Logan comes in, gripping her husbands arm, your parents following closely behind. The silence and tension could be cut with a knife. You hold your breath as the seconds of quiet feel like hours. You hold onto the chair, trying your best to ground yourself. 

"Oh thank god," Mr. Logan breathes, beginning to cry. 

That's when the floodgates are opened. Every single emotion that you have bottled the past two days comes out, and you could scream you're so relieved. Mr. Logan finishes his conversation and hangs up the phone.

"Where is he?" You say, the words falling from your mouth. 

"He's okay. He's at Memorial Hospital in the city," He says, hugging his wife. 

"Oh my god," You whimper, running to your parents and sobbing with them. 

He's okay. He's alive. 

"It's gonna be alright sweetheart. He's okay," Your dad says, kissing the top of your head.

The five of you quickly gather your things and head to the hospital. You're riddled with anxiety the entire ride, not being able to stop your hands from shaking and your knee from bouncing. You're chewing on your lip and the only thing that stops you is when you taste blood. The rest of the ride, getting to the hospital, and getting to his room is a complete blur. The only thing you can think about is Clyde. Seeing his face, hearing his voice, holding his hand. His parents go to see him first, and when they come out his mom comes straight to you. 

"He's asking for you sweetie," She says, squeezing your hands. 

You nod and give her a tight hug. You take a deep breath and push open the door. You almost fall to your knees when you see him. 

"Clyde," You whisper.

"Hey you," He smiles. 

You run to him and throw your arms around him. 

"Ouch. Still a bit sore," He chuckles. 

"Oh I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't mean--" You start to say but he cuts you off. 

"It's alright. You're alright," He says. 

You pull over a chair to his bedside and take his hand in yours. 

"I've missed you. So much," You say, tears falling down your cheeks. 

"Ditto," He says, squeezing your hand. 

You try to find the words to say and stare at him. 

"I thought you d-died," You say, your voice breaking. 

"I know sweetheart. I know and I'm so sorry," He says. 

"Don't leave me. Ever again. I can't go through that again, I won't survive," You whisper. 

"I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm stayin', for good," He says. 

"They're not making you go back?" You ask. 

He gestures to his other side and you stand up to look, gasping when you do. From his elbow down, he's missing his arm. It's wrapped tightly in bandages and it breaks your heart. 

"Oh Clyde I'm so sorry," You say, starting to cry all over again. 

He takes a deep breath and looks at you seriously. 

"I would do it over and over again to see you," He says.

Your heart stops and your lip quivers. 

"You don't mean that," You whisper. 

"I mean every single word. Since the day I left I haven't stopped thinkin' about you. I love you Y/N. More than life itself and if that means goin' through what I went through again and again to come back to you, I'd do it," He says. 

You're completely speechless. 

"I made the biggest mistake of my life lettin' you go. Every girl I dated, all I could think about was you. Havin' you. You are my soulmate sweetheart," He says. 

"Oh Clyde," You whisper, throwing your arms around him once more. 

You pull away and cup his cheek, stroking it with your thumb. 

"I love you Clyde Logan. I always have," You say. 

You press your lips against his gently at first, then he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into him. You melt into his touch, your head spinning at the feeling. His kiss is so sweet and soft you aren't even sure it's happening. You eventually pull away to breathe, your head still spinning. 

"I've been waiting for that for a long ass time," Clyde breathes. 

"Ditto," You giggle.

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