kylo ren x reader

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As you're rudely awoken by your screaming daughter once more, you again find Kylo's side of the bed empty. You sigh heavily, run your hands over your face and attend to your wailing infant.

"It's okay baby. Shh, mama's here." You whisper as you pick her up from her crib. 

Her cries turn into soft whimpers and hiccups after you change her and rock her gently, then putting her back to bed. As you crawl back under the covers, way too aware of the emptiness of the bed, sleep will not find you again. You stare at the dark ceiling, the soft hums and creaks of the ship fill your ears, as well as your baby's quiet snores. You smile sadly as a tear leaks down your cheek and onto the sheets under you and more follow after. You wish he was here so you could cuddle into his warmth and fall asleep peacefully like you used to. You wish he was here to stroke your hair and wipe your tears, telling you that every thing was going to be okay like he used to. You just wish he were here, so his presence would just calm you, like it used to. Since the day that you found out you were pregnant, he completely distanced himself from you. 

Honestly, it's like you didn't even exist. 

He said that it was work, but you know that work doesn't take all hours of the day, every single day, for nine months. He would only come home for a short time, waking you briefly in the middle of the night to crawl into bed and sleep until he woke up about an hour later to do it all over again. Only some nights he would kiss you on the cheek or the forehead, making your cheeks heat up and butterflies erupt in your stomach but then it would fade as quickly as it came when he rolled over and fell asleep. One night, you thought he had come to terms with the situation, wrapping his arms around you and cradling your belly in his hands, but that was one night, many months ago and it never happened again. 

"Oh my little love." You sigh as your daughter begins to scream once more. 

You check the clock and know that Kylo should be coming home soon for his hour of sleep. You take your baby girl back to your bed, trying to get her to calm down but nothing is working. You hear the doors to your room open and your heart seizes in your chest and you desperately try to get your daughter to stop crying. 

"Please baby. Please go back to sleep." You beg her, tears now falling down your cheeks. 

You can hear Kylo walk into the room and start pulling off his outer layers, and you try to stifle your sobs while trying to calm your baby's as well. Kylo still moves around the room, getting ready for bed but your daughter refuses to calm down. You freeze when you feel the bed sink next to you and the covers rustle as he slides under them. Several minutes pass, tears still falling down both of your faces when Kylo speaks. 

"Let me see her." He says, barely audible. 

You turn to look at him, just seeing darkness but you can make out his handsome features in your head. 

"W--What?" You choke out, your throat tight from holding in your own cries.

"Let me--let me see her." He says, taking a deep breath.

You stay still, still trying to comprehend his words. You feel his large hands slide under yours and gently pull your daughter from you and almost immediately, she stops crying. He doesn't say anything, but you feel the bed shaking slightly as he rocks her. Your hand flies to your mouth as the floodgates are opened, waterfalls of tears streaming down your face and your heart feels lie it could explode like an overfilled water balloon as you imagine what the scene next to you looks like, not wanting to turn on the light and potentially ruin this magical moment. You can picture his a large, sculpted, and shirtless body hovering over her tiny one, holding her in his big hands. In the darkness, you let your head fall to the side, resting on his shoulder and again, he stays silent but you can feel the love radiating off of him. This is the moment you've been waiting for. This is everything.

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