Pre-game stuffs

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It was just a day like any other.
The squad was up to their usual antics under the oak tree
???: AAAAGGHH!!!

The four heard a panicked scream from deeper in the woods. The scream was even loud enough to wake Aster from his nap, the umbreon woke up to being dragged

Aster: Huh?... what?

Baxter: Oh, you're awake.

Baxter was dragging him and seemed to be struggling

Baxter: jeez you're heavy.

Aster: hey

Baxter: before you get all pissy, we heard a scream come from the woods.

Aster: and we're going towards it?

Baxter: yeah?

Baxter: is that a problem Aster?

Baxter: are you scared?

Aster blushed a little

Aster: n-no

Baxter snickered

Baxter: whatever

Baxter: come on Aster

Baxter ran off, Aster not far behind.

Brent: where the hell are they?

Brent looked behind himself, Baxter and Aster were nowhere to be seen,

Brent: they were just behind us.

Jay: calm down Brent, they can't be too far back.

Brent: I-i don't know Jay this place gives me the creeps.

Brent: I know this is the same forest b-but it feels different.

Jay: I see

Jay: well if you want to turn back we can-

Brent: N-no

Brent: It's fine

Jay looked skeptical

Jay: are you sure?

Brent: y-yeah

Jay: Alright then

Jay grabbed Brent by the paw and started to drag him

Jay: come on

Jay: (i really hope he isn't lying)

The four had come across a fork in the woods. There were four paths in the woods.

Jay turned to the group

Jay: guys I think we should split up

Brent: wh-what?

Brent looked terrified, they were already in a potentially dangerous situation and now they had to split up?

Baxter: there's no way we're gonna split up

Aster: Jay is right guys, we're not going to get anything done if we move as a group

Jay: thank you, Aster

Jay: everyone pick a path and go down it

Baxter groaned

Baxter: fine

Baxter: but if anything goes wrong then im kicking your ass

he was irritated but he still went down a path, grumpily mumbling while walking.

Aster: see you guys

Aster ran down a different path, more cheery than Baxter.

Brent: d-do I have to go alone?

Brent was still worried, his arms were shaking.

Jay took Brent's paw in his hand

Jay: we're gonna be okay Brent.

Brent: promise?

Jay: promise.

Feeling a little bit better, Brent went down a path.

Jay smiled as he went down the final path

Jay: (I think we made the right choice)

Pokéronpa Killing Kraze  [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora